Regulus Black and Kreacher

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Harry awakens, peering at the cobwebbed chandelier overhead. He sits up, looks at Hermione, asleep upon the sofa, her arm dangling down to where Ron lies upon the floor, her fingers only inches from his. Y/n just right beside him. Nearby, the radio hisses softly, distant voices struggling to be heard.

"Lumos!" Harry whispered

Harry's wand blooms in the darkness as he scales the stairs and reaches the landing.

He peers into a bedroom. The drawers have been turned out. The bedsheets stripped. He moves on, painting the wall with wandlight, illuminating an empty portrait of a muddy landscape. He studies it -- long enough that we'll remember it -- then a floorboard squeaks -- like the night before. Harry wheels, points his wand down the dark corridor adjacent.

Harry moves down the narrow corridor to its end, to a doorway. He eyes the nameplate: "SIRIUS."

Harry entered the room. This room, like the others, has been ransacked. Harry lingers by a photograph. in it, four young Hogwarts students -- James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew And Remus Lupin -- stand grinning before the Whomping Willow. Harry traces the thin cone of light of his wand across their faces.

Books and papers carpet the floor. A woman's face, striking and wise, peers out from a dust jacket. Harry crouches, turns the book over to read its title: A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot. Harry turns it

Back over, studies the woman's face again. He begins to rise when he notices a crumpled piece of paper embossed at the top with a name: Lily Potter. As Harry begins to read.

Dear Sirius. Thank you for

Harry's birthday present. You'd

think he'd been born on a broom.

James says he's got the look of a

Seeker, but then James would. We

had a very quiet birthday tea,

just us and old Bathilda, who

dotes on Harry. Wormy dropped by

late in the day, but seemed down

and didn't stay long. James is

frustrated being shut up here, but

Dumbledore's still got his

Invisibility Cloak, so he doesn't

have much choice. By the way,

Bathilda tells the most amazing

stories about our old Headmaster.

I don't know how much to believe.

Can it really be true that

Dumbledore --

Harry turns the letter over, but there is no more.

"Harry! Harry!" he heard Y/n's voice calling for him.

Harry steps out, finds Y/N dashing up the stairs. Seeing him, she exhales in relief.

"Ron! Mione! I've found him!" You shouted .

"Good! Tell him from me he's a git!" Ron shouted back.

"Harry, you can't just disappear.We thought –" You started lecturing him

You stop as Harry hands you the letter. You read.

"It's from your Mum. To Sirius. Bathilda Bagshot...?" you ask

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