The planning, the date and dress shopping

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The next day all the selected students gathered in the Room of Requirement. Everyone was sitting in an awkward silence since, most of them only talked to each other a couple of times. Y/n was seated between Draco and Harry.

"So, any ideas?" Hermione asked breaking the silence.

"It's a Masquerade ball isn't it?" Blaise said. Everyone nodded.

"The Hufflepuffs can do the invitations." Suggested Trisha Buttermore. The other two Hufflepuffs nodded in agreement.

"The Ravenclaws can work on the music." Said a dreamy voice, Luna

"Well then the Gryffindors could do the food an-" Harry was cut off by Pansy.

"Slytherin is doing food and drinks" said Parkinson with a smug smile. Ron glared at her.

"Well that leaves us with the decoration." Said Ginny. Neville nodded.

"All right, that's set. Slytherin will oversee food and drinks. Gryffindor will take care of the decorations. Ravenclaw will sort out the music and Hufflepuff will be set the task of getting the word out. Feel free to do whatever you want within the rules. All right get to work then! Thank you for coming. Off you go!" Y/n finished the monologue with that everyone stood up to depart to their dorms or common rooms.

As the quartet were in front of the stairs. "Y/N!!!" the voice of Draco Malfoy made them all come to a halt.

"What is it Malfoy?" Ron asked annoyed.

"Well, I called for my wife. Not you..." Draco shot back. A light shade of red tinting on Y/n's cheeks. Draco suddenly bent a little down and kissed Y/n's cheek.

"Bye, love!" the blonde winked at her. Y/n stood there dumbfounded. Hermione started laughing. While Harry and Ron stood there with matching smirks plastered on their faces.

"Shut up!" Y/n hit Hermione on the head with a book and then proceeded to hit both the boys.

"Owww!!" the three bellowed in pain. Y/n smirked smugly.

"That's what you get."


In the common room, the quartet were enjoying Butterbeers, unexpectedly Ginny sauntered towards them.

"Harry, can I have your invisibility cloak?" she requested.

"Yeah, sure. Its in the third drawer to the left." Harry said.

"Where are you up to?" Y/n asked the redhead as she returned.

"To the Ravenclaw tower." Ginny shrugged.

"Why? To snog Luna? Harry asked teasingly taking a sip of his of his beer.

"Well, for your information. Yes." Making Harry choke and splutter out his drink. Hermione handed him a tissue, while Y/n and Ron doubled in laughter. Harry glared at the duo.


'Hogwarts is proud to present its first Masquerade Ball on the 1st of October this year from the hours of 6pm to midnight, we would appreciate that you choose to attend this festivity which we hope will get you in the mood for the following year. Please belong a masquerade of your choice & a date if you wish, please remember school rules still apply. We wish you all to have the best time you can possibly have & to just enjoy the night'

The above was the notice pinned upon house boards the next day and there was a buzz about in all Hogwarts. The Gryffindors were supposed to go to the Headmistress' office today to order materials for the decorations in the Great Hall.

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