It All Ends Here

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Dracowas standing right outside the castle; he saw Remus and Tonks' body. He knew you were gonna take a hit. He didn't even bother now, that he knew that you felt the same way about him. He strode towards the Great Hall. The sight before him shattered his heart into a million pieces. He saw Harry kissing you. He started blaming himself... why would someone so smart and beautiful like you ever someone like him?!He was a killer.

Of course, you would love someone like Potter, he was caring, handsome and most importantly he spent more with you than Draco did. Draco felt insecure, he saw Harry walking out of the Great hall so, he immediately hid in the shadows.


Neville, battle-scared and weary, perches atop a fallen statue in the chill morning air. Reaching into his pocket, he removes his wand, holds it to the light... and watches the TIP drop like the head of a drowsy child. Broken. He tosses it away.

Neville kicks through the rubble. One could reconstruct the history of Hogwarts from the detritus before him: spell books, trophies, potion boxes. But Neville's expression remains stoic, unsentimental. He's seen too much in the last 12 hours.

Neville crouches down, studies it. Reaching out, he wiggles it free, slaps it against his thigh to chase the dust. The Sorting Hat.

He ponders it, regarding its ragged surface, singed and torn, then pops it on his head, a beaten jester. Again, his face remains blank. He squints, peering vaguely into the distance. As he gaze falls on the bridge, he stops. An odd procession approaches.

Hagrid lurches forward awkwardly, clutching a body in his arms, ropes extending in three directions from his neck as a trio of Death Eaters -- one in front, two behind -- jerk him along like a tethered beast. From Hagrid, Neville's gaze drifts to Bellatrix and Narcissa and then to Voldemort himself -- dark, fierce -- before settling on the most unnerving sight: a giant wending snake.

"Don't despair, Longbottom. I put

you in Gryffindor for good

reason..." The Hat coughs then, raining dust over Neville's brow and he whips it off, studies it warily.

"Who's that?" Y/n's voice rung through the court. Neville turns, sees that Seamus and Y/n had come out onto the broken steps and is staring at the procession.

"... Hagrid's carrying?" Seamus chimed in. Neville just stares, mute. Y/n's eyes shift then, to him, and he sees they are glistening faintly. Her voice, when she speaks, nearly gets lost in the morning breeze.

"Neville, who is that?" Y/n repeats. Before he can answer, others begin to spill out of the castle. Luna and Ginny. Cho. Arthur Weasley. Ron and Hermione emerge and, seeing the procession... know.

Hermione draws a sharp breath and something about it -- the unadulterated sense of loss contained within it -- causes those around her to look and know as well.

"What's going on here, Neville?" Mr.Weasley asked

Neville starts to speak but falters and then, simply because he can't bear to look at Y/n's face and the faces of the others looking to him for something, anything, he turns his gaze to the Hat dangling in his hand. And as he does, something glints within. As he stares... Voldemort and the others, moving with them, as they draw near. Voldemort surveys the ruins of the castle and the beaten posture of the throng assembled upon its steps. He smiles faintly, with cruel satisfaction.

"Behold, Nagini. Our work is done."

Ron, Hermione, Y/n and the others stand silently as the procession comes to a halt before them. All eyes drift to Hagrid and what lays in his arms.

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