Inherited Belongings and Wedding Disasters

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"You lied to me, Ollivander!"

"No! No! I believed a different wand would work, I swear!"

"Then explain this!"

"But it makes no sense..."

"Perhaps our friend's loyalties lay elsewhere, Wormtail."

"No! There must be a way! I'll think of something else!"

"I hope so, Ollivander, for your sake. I won't be so forgiving next time..."

Harry awakens with a gasp, eyes flashing in the darkness. He eyes the shadows above him, then looks down at his hand where his wand glimmers in the moonlight. He grabs his rucksack and wand, walks out of the room tiptoeing in the hallways. He knew that George lost his ear because of him, Hedwig and Moody died because of him. It shattered his heart to see someone else die because of him.


Harry emerges into the night, shifting the rucksack as he eyes the reeds shifting eerily in the darkness.

"Going somewhere?" he heard Ron's voice behind him. Harry stiffens, turns to meet Ron's accusatory gaze, then continues on.

"No one else is going to die. Not for me." Said Harry

"For you? You think Madeye died for you? You think George took that curse for you? You may be the Chosen One, mate, but this is a whole lot bigger than that."

Harry stares at Ron. The air is tense.

"Come with me. Now." Stated Harry

"And leave the girls? Are you mad? We wouldn't last two days without them." Ron exclaimed

Ron glances around," Don't tell her I said that."

"Besides, you've still got the Trace on you. And there's the wedding..."

"Wedding?" Harry asked

"Bill and Fleur. Mum's been planning it for months. Only thing that's kept her sane, I

reckon. She'll kill me if I miss it. Kill you too. Rather go face to face with You-Know-Who if I'm honest." Ron tries a smile, but Harry looks foul.

"I don't care about a bloody wedding -- no matter whose it is. I have to start searching for the Horcruxes. It's the only chance we have to beat him. And the longer we wait the stronger he gets." Harry says

Ron just stares at Harry, calm, poised.

"Tonight's not the night, mate. You'd only be doing him a favor. Harry stares at Ron --incensed by his cool demeanor and common sense. Finally, he turns away, tosses the rucksack in frustration. For a moment they stand like this, Harry's back to Ron. Silent. Finally Ron speaks.

"Do you think he knows?" Harry turns his head halfway, but doesn't speak.

"I mean, they're bits of his soul, he Horcruxes. Bits of him. When Dumbledore destroyed the ring and you destroyed Tom Riddle's diary all those years ago -- he must've

felt something right?" Harry ponders this, but remains silent.

"What I'm saying is, if we do this thing right, if we find the Horcruxes and begin to destroy them one by one..." Harry waits.

"Won't he know he's being hunted?"

Still Harry says nothing. Silence descends once more.

An enormous circle of silk lies flat upon the ground. As Hagrid looks on, Arthur, Bill, Ron and Fred stand on its periphery, wands poised.

ARRANGED TO BE LOVED  ꩜  draco malfoy.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora