First Date and Amortentia

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A/N- Hey guys! I am starting to write the chapters in 2nd POV cause, I feel more comfortable writing that way.

You awoke to sunlight streaming into the common room, your head screaming, you felt worse than nasty, and all you wanted was to go back to bed. But, you slowly and quietly got up, contemplating whether or not to wake up Ron, ultimately deciding to leave him and let him sleep. He had the opportunity to have a good day, unlike yourself, and you didn't want to ruin that for him.

As you approached your dorm room, his words from last night rang through your head, 'Look presentable.' Of course, he would demand that of you. Yet you did as you were told, not wanting to risk another interaction like last nights. Lucky for you, when you slipped into your room, all of your roommates were fast asleep, including Hermione, meaning you wouldn't have to answer any questions just yet. Desperate to not wake them, you quietly grabbed your things and slipped out of the room to the showers.

Your shower wasn't long, and it didn't do much to help your head, but it did feel good to wash off the grime of last night. Still, the boiling hot water couldn't wash away your new reality. So you finished, stepped out, and used a spell you had learned from a Gryffindor girl in the year above you to dry and style your hair. You put some light makeup on and threw on what you hoped Draco would deem presentable. You caught yourself in the mirror and felt your heart lurch. Who is that? You didn't look much different, but you couldn't help but feel different, like something was wrong, and you didn't know how to make it better. But, you swallowed your anxiety, dropped Ron's clothes he had let you borrow on your bed back in your dorm, grabbed a small black baguette bag, and headed to the Great Hall where you assumed you'd be meeting Draco since you didn't necessarily have time to discuss the details last night.

When you entered the hall, Draco was in his usual spot at the head of Slytherin's table. When you saw him, you froze. Now that you weren't drunk off your ass, you could finally process precisely what had happened last night, everything he said to you. That you really weren't your own person, that you hadn't been before, and that you wouldn't ever be. You don't know how long you were standing there for, but at some point, Blaise Zabini broke you from your trance.

"Hey there, Y/l/n, I hear you are sitting with us today," it's likely he had come up to you because Draco sent him to retrieve you, but there was an edge to his voice that you didn't understand. Like he knew something you didn't.

"I guess," you responded quietly, you were confused, overwhelmed, and seriously hungover.

"Brilliant, let's go, I'm sure you need a cup of tea after last nights activities," he said, each word intentional, gazing at your hickey and started towards where Draco and his crew were sitting, expecting you to follow, which of course, you did. Had he seen you with Harry, or did Blaise assume Draco made the mark?

Once you made it to the table, you noticed that the only seat available was directly next to Draco. You sat silently in what was clearly your new assigned spot, and Blaise pushed a cup of tea in front of you. You wondered if Ron had gotten up yet and if he was wondering where you were. Or, if Hermione had seen you on the couch when she had gotten back last night. You wondered if they would come looking for you today to find you sitting with the people who had tried so hard to make both of your lives hell for the last six years. You kept to your thoughts as you sipped at your tea as you let your mind wander, not interested in whatever the Slytherin's were talking about.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours, darling?" Draco asked, interrupting your train of thought, and startling you.

He had been acting oddly even before the letters arrived, which, of course, had been a subject of conversation amongst your friends. Harry assumed he had become a Death Eater, which you didn't doubt, while Hermione figured it was just what happened at the Ministry last term, and his father's arrest that was effecting him. Either way, there was something sad and focused about him this year you hadn't seen in him before. Instead of being the entitled school-yard bully, he was focused, elsewhere, and no longer troubling himself with tripping you in the halls. Yet, at this moment, he was the same Slytherin Prince who ruled the school you had known from the years before, and it scared you.

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