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To Elizabeth,

    I was the same when I moved from Las Vegas to Virginia. Turns out they're a lot more outgoing in Vegas than I thought, though that might just be because I was so used to the amount of tourists I was interacting with on a day to day basis. It was actually a shock at how little people smiled up north, and its so cold here during the winter that I still haven't gotten used to it. I do however remember the first time I saw snow. As a kid I never really left Vegas until I went to university in Massachusetts. It was 26 degree's and I was bundled in so many coats I could barely move. I thought it was insane. I'd always heard of it, and I understood why it happened, though I could never imagine it. When was the first time you saw snow? 

    A pottery class actually seems fun. Did you know that a majority of the USA's clay actually is imported from Brazil? I've heard that sculpting and pottery is actually a great stress reliever. I think that it could be fun, and I'd probably be open to trying it if you'd come along.

    My lecture's are usually to do with my work in the FBI, talking about human behaviour and how it links to whatever class is being taught. Sometimes it's language and I'll talk about how people talk and write can influence their crime, as well as those who speak multiple languages can be influenced into different crimes. And if I was invited to a philosophy class, I'd talk about how individual philosophy can lead to vigilante killers and others with a warped world view. I wonder, have you ever lectured at any universities? If so, what about?

     I have a question about the problem you're dealing with. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as if this problem is a person? Do you need any help, because if you do, I'd be happy to do so. I care about you a lot and honestly I don't know what I'd do should anything happen to you. 

    I hope to hear from you soon,


Dear Spencer, 

    I actually didn't see snow until I was around nine, which was the first time I travelled out of state to play chess. I think it was a trip to Michigan and it was freezing. I didn't own a big jacket and when I saw the snow I got so excited I just ran outside not realizing how cold it would actually be. My dad had to drag me back into the hotel before my lips turned blue and the next day I had an awful cold! I wouldn't change it for anything though. It was wonderful. 

   I didn't know that about clay, however I did know that a majority of our domestic clay comes from Georgia! Georgia clay is actually mainly kaolin clay, and it's actually one of the worlds biggest kaolin clay exporters. 

   I actually did lecture once or twice after I got my doctorate a few years ago. It was actually about Semitic languages and  how it's the oldest known language families, and the history of the language and its evolution to modern the languages we know today. Not many of the people enjoyed it, considering I was younger than most of the room, but it was defiantly an experience.   Honestly, I enjoyed it. It was essentially two hours where I was allowed to talk about things that interest me. If you could give any lecture you wanted to, no limits, what would it be about?

   I'm considering the teaching position at Georgetown. I'm not going to lie, it looks promising. The benefits are good and they'd pay for my health insurance and dental plan, as well as a retirement plan. I think I might give them a call about the position, learn a bit about the school and the teaching environment. Have you been to Georgetown University? What's it like? 

My letters to you - Spencer Reid x OCWhere stories live. Discover now