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To Liz,

   Thank you for talking to me the other night, I know it was late for both of us. Hearing your voice really helped me, and honestly if you didn't talk me into calming down, I doubt I would have slept at all that night. I hope you know that I really do cherish your calls, no matter the time of day, and I hope that if you ever need something similar that you'd call me. 

   I'm actually having a dinner party later this week with m friends from work, that is if we don't get called out on a case. As you already know, I'm an awful cook, so if at some point before you get this letter you get a call about cooking from me, that would be the reason why. I might just have to ask Rossi to come early to help if my cooking becomes hazardous.

   I'm glad the guy who has been bothering you has backed off. If I'm going to be honest, I was becoming really worried for your safety. I suppose it's my job to assume the worst of everyone, but still, I'm glad you're safe. Still if you need anything, you have my number. 

   I'd like to see some photo's of your flower garden if that's okay? I've been reading more into botany and flower language recently, and honestly I find the subject really interesting, however it's lead me to mycology, the study of mushrooms. It's a fascinating subject, that baffles most biologists, as mycology reminds us that decay is an existent form of life in our world, and that decay in itself is alive, and the fact that we are still reliant on them in our everyday lives is mind-blowing. I could go on forever about the things I've learnt since your last letter, though I'll spare you the details, lest you ask.

   If I had to pick a favourite smell, it would likely be that of a hot day. Although it isn't the most pleasant, it reminds me of home, back in Nevada, and my mom. I don't have the fondest memories of Nevada, but my mom was always there, even if she wasn't perfect.

   I haven't had much time to read recently, we had three days were we were just sitting in the office, with no cases and then a big one. I'm actually writing this to you on the jet, on the way to Alaska for another case, so this one should get to you sooner rather than later. I do have a recommendation for you though, 'Gadsby' by Earnest Vincent Wright. It's a book written entirely without the letter 'E', which leads to some of the most bizarre word choices in literature I've seen. 

   I hope to hear from you again soon, 

                  Spence xx

    P.S. I'm actually writing this bit a bit after, but I've actually put something in the envelope for you from Alaska, so I hope you like it!

Dear Spence,

   Thank you so much for the keychain, I might just keep it on my luggage, either way, it's going to be staying with me wherever I go. Can I ask if it was native made? It's just the way it's crafted is so beautiful, and I know that not many places create things similar to it now.

   I've enclosed some polaroid's of my flowers in with this letter (along with a mushroom patch that I found growing near my deck). I try to stick to native flowers only in my garden, so there's some pictures of some selfheal, pearly everlasting and goldenrod, and luckily your letter got to me just before all of the larkspur I had planted wilted, so there's some of that as well. I would have sent you some clippings, but I don't know if you would like that, so if you would I would be happy to enclose some in the next letter, as I'm already preserving some of my own. 

   I was actually talking to the woman who talked to me about the job at Georgetown, Dr Blake, about finding a place, and actually gave me the number of a few landlords looking for new tenants in Alexandria, so I've been talking to a few of them, and I think I found a place that seems decent enough in the Southwest Quadrant, and I was wondering if you knew if it was a good neighbourhood?

My letters to you - Spencer Reid x OCWhere stories live. Discover now