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!                     TW                 !                       UNWANTED SEXUAL ADVANCES                        !

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   They'd gotten his name. Early that morning they'd gotten the paperwork giving them permission to seize the register for the beach clean up. The bastards name was right next to hers.

   Connor Stone, that was the name of the evil bastard that had murdered three girls and was potentially torturing Liz. 

   They had Penelope scouring through records and bills to find every little piece of information about their suspect while the rest of them interviewed the others who were there that day, waiting for warrants for the mans arrest to come through.

   Spencer was sat at the desk with a woman. She was blonde and seemed quite kind hearted from what he could tell, and yet she seemed quite distraught over Elizabeth's disappearance, muttering things under her breath about how it 'was her fault' when she'd been told who they believed had taken her.

   "Here you go, Miss-" He allowed her to speak, knowing it would allow her to focus on something else, allow her to process, passing her a tissue to wipe her eyes as he did so.

   "-Palmer, but can you please just call me May."

   "Of course, May. Are you doing okay, you seemed quite upset when I mentioned we believe that Connor Stone might be the person we're looking for. Do you think you can explain?"

   She nodded, wiping her tears and spoke through her shaky voice. "I'm friends with Lizzy, our friend Jasmine introduced us when she first moved here. I signed Lizzy up for the beach clean in the first place, she's always in her house and I thought that it would be good to get her out for a little bit." She burst into tears once again, clearly upset by the thought of what had happened.

   "It's okay, just take a moment to gather your thoughts." He soothed her, imitating what he'd seen JJ do when talking to emotional witnesses. He wasn't quite sure if he was doing it right, but he figured it was better than nothing.

   "I was supposed to be paired up with her, but that morning the guy who was supposed to be checking everyone in called in sick, so I got asked to do it instead. I took a look over the register and found that Connor hadn't been paired up. It made sense at the time, Connor had been coming to clean ups for years, so he knew the rules, knew how to stay safe. Plus at the time, Jazzy and I were thinking about setting her up with someone. I thought that this could be a good shot so-" She paused again, letting out a sob. "God, I should have just said no and gone with her. If I hadn't been so stupid none of this would have happened!"

   "It's not your fault. You had no idea that something like this could have happened."

   "No, I should have seen it after. He seemed so interested in her! I told him that she liked the new burrito place and he'd probably bump into her there. He offered to help me house sit when Lizzy went away to DC!  I just thought he was attracted to her! She never mentioned anything but she's a private person! I stopped though, the-" May looked up at Spencer, and he frowned. 

My letters to you - Spencer Reid x OCWhere stories live. Discover now