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   Sorting through things in a house you barely know is an agonising act, having to put yourself in the shoes of the person who owns the items, and deciding if they want it or not. Spencer was lucky enough that Elizabeth had done most of the work for him and her family, who were all busying themselves with boxes, while little Noah ran around the house with whatever soft toy his parents had given to him.

   It was a strange sense of closeness that he'd never had the opportunity to experience in his own home as a child. Despite barely knowing him, they'd allowed him to stay, and help. They exchanged stories as if they'd known him for years. 

    Spencer could have gotten used to it, however they had to pack the van, the couple that had bought Elizabeth's house had been generous enough to give them an extra month to move everything out after finding out what had happened, but that luxury was almost over.

   "Spencer, do you have the last box from the kitchen?" Arthur asked.

   "Yeah, I'll bring it out. Give me a second." He said, closing up the final box in the kitchen. He walked through the house, peaking Viviane close the door to Elizabeth's room. He gave her a small smile before walking outside and down the steps. 

   "Here you go." Spencer said, passing the box up to Arthur who was standing inside of the now almost full van. 

   "Thanks." Arthur said, placing the box on the ground. "We have about half an hour before we have to head off, how many boxes do we have left to pack up?"

   "Two in the living room and the one in Elizabeth's room."

   "Cool." The two stood in awkward silence, before Arthur spoke up again. "I just wanted to say thanks again. You've really helped all of us the past six weeks. I don't think I can thank you enough for all you've done for us."

   "It's fine. I'm honestly glad you let me help. I know Viviane was opposed to me being here, with everything."

   "Viviane likes you, you know? She just takes time to warm up to people."

   "I still can't tell weather she likes me or wants to scalp me." Spencer laughed.

   "You'd know for sure if she wanted to scalp you, trust me. I've been on the receiving ends of one of her death glares far to many times." He smiled, "Can you do a quick run through of the house again? I just want to make sure that we haven't forgotten anything."

   "Yeah, sure." Spencer said, heading back in, passing Elizabeth's father and Elaine bringing out the last two boxes, followed by Elaine's husband with Noah on his hip. Both Viviane and Arthur's partner's had gone back to Texas, their jobs not allowing them to have much longer off, despite the family emergency. 

   He made is way back through the house, checking the cupboards in the kitchen, before going back through the now empty living room. He was at Elizabeth's room, pausing before taking a deep breath and knocking. 

My letters to you - Spencer Reid x OCWhere stories live. Discover now