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To Elizabeth,

   It's pretty cool that we can't imagine what new faces look like , though the way we design aliens makes a lot more sense now. We actually rarely take into consideration how aliens would adapt to their surroundings and how alien cultures would vary from our own. 

   And yes, I do try to guess what you would look like. I assume my guesses are pretty off though. Still, I cannot wait to finally see you in person. Either way, I'm certain you are an incredible woman. 

   I've booked some time off work for when you're here, that way I can at least  make sure I won't be swept off while you visit. I'm looking forward to it. If you have any requests for the Dr Spencer Reid DC tour, I hope you'll send them to me. Also I would be happy to pick you up from the airport. You'll have to tell me which one though, there's a few in DC. 

   My favourite colour is purple. In the past it was only worn by royalty and those who were extremely rich and could therefore afford it. Still, very little people actually wear purple. Personally, I think it's a great colour. 

   As for my favourite poet, I suppose I don't really have one. I don't particularly read poetry. I have read a few of Edgar Allan Poe and Victor Hugo's poems, so if I had to choose between the two of them, it would be Edgar Allan Poe. Despite his poems having some pretty dark themes, his poems are about romance and love, to the point he equates them to death, to him falling in love is his downfall and he intends to let that happen. There's a beautiful aspect to the morbidity of Poe's poems that really imprinted on me after reading them. So I suppose my favourite would be Edgar Allan Poe. What's your favourite poet?

   This week was good. The case we dealt with was a lot better than most that we deal with. We saved the kids that were taken, all of them. It's rare that we even get to do that, It just felt so good.

         I can't wait to meet you,


Dear Spencer,

   I'm glad you had a good week and the case went well for your team. My week's been alright. I've actually been figuring out what to bring to DC. What's the weather like there? Maybe it'll help me decide what to pack. 

   As fa as I'm concerned, when it comes to the Dr Spencer Reid DC Tour, I think you'll be best off deciding where we go. After all, you probably know better than me when it comes to the best places in DC. If anything I want to look at the places only DC native (or not so native, considering you're Las Vegas born and raised) would know about. 

   Purple's a pretty great colour. It's defiantly a solid second favourite for me. 

   Leah Goldberg is my favourite poet. I love her work, my grandmother used to read it to me when I went to bed. 

         I'll see you in two weeks,


My letters to you - Spencer Reid x OCWhere stories live. Discover now