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To Liz,

     I'm glad I identified the mushroom right, otherwise I would have been incredibly embarrassed. I've heard that they taste nutty and smell like apricots, which must have been very confusing when cooking!

    Your family seems nice, though I wouldn't know much about siblings due to me being an only child. I'm assuming that it was interesting growing up in a full house, especially as the the youngest. I always wanted a sibling growing up, someone to just be around even if it wasn't often. It also must be pretty cool being an aunt, even if you don't see your nephew often. 

     I actually cut my hair short just before you sent the letter, so now I'm probably going to start growing it out a bit. As for what you should do with your hair, I'm honestly not sure. To be completely honest, I really like your hair now, you look amazing, though I think you'd look great with whatever hair style you'd choose to have. 

    Your perfect day actually tells me that you'd prefer to be relaxed and enjoy spending time thinking, which makes a lot of sense based on what I know about you. My ideal day is practically the same, except with the guarantee that I'm not going to be called into work. I also probably wouldn't end it at a beach, but in my apartment watching a movie or two. So honestly, any day I get off of work. 

       As for your question about what the plot of film I would make, I honestly would have no idea. All I know is that I would want it to be space themed, also, no crime, I've seen far too much of that to want to put more of that into the world. In all likelihood, I would probably direct a kids sci-fi film. There isn't much of that genre available for young people and I'd like to think that it would encourage more children to go into STEM fields. What about you? What would your movie plot be? I'd like to know.

     My question for you is if there is anywhere in DC you'd like to go to once you move here? It's less than a month until you move here, so I'm honestly getting curious. Plus I also would like to know if there is anywhere specifically I could take you, if you'd like to of course.

       I hope to hear from you soon,

                 Spence xxx

P.S. Apologises for this letter being a week late, I was hoping to get it out sooner, however I got called out really early for a case and forgot to post it as I was headed in. I hope that the phone calls we had can sacrifice for my handwriting.

Dear Spence,

        Thank you for your opinions on my hair, I'm glad you enjoy it at it's current length. Honestly I don't think I'd ever be brave enough to cut it super short either way, plus, with my hair type I'm honestly not sure how it would look. Also styling would be difficult, my curl type probably wouldn't suit most short hair, so I'll probably keep growing it! Who knows, by the end of the year I could end up with really long hair! 

     The ending to your day also sounds incredible, I haven't watched many films recently, I'm honestly just making the most out of being with everyone I know here before I move, as I don't know when I'm going to see them next. Myself, Jazzy and May are all going into Portland on Wednesday to have what will likely be my last girls day with them. May says she's going to have me driving there as I'll 'need the practice for the big city', which I won't lie is probably true. 

      Your movie seems pretty cool! I totally agree that there needs to be more kids sci-fi stuff. I practically grew up on Star Trek, as my dad was a huge fan. Whenever I see him we try and have a marathon of the movies, which always ends up with the two of us practically passed out on the couch. As for my movie plot, I've been thinking about it for a while. Pirates, led by a cool female pirate, nicknamed the Siren, are running from the British Navy, when they're sucked into the present day, and don't realise at first until they reach Nassau, when everything's as it is today. They find a place to stay on land and then begin looking for supplies. During this time, a professor is told that the legendary ship of the siren has washed up along the coast of Nassau and is flown out as he's a leading expert on the boat. I'm not sure where it would go from there, however I think the British Navy and probably the Marines would be the villains of the story. 

     I'm not sure about where I'd want to go, though I definitely want to do some exploring in the area. Though if you're set on taking me somewhere nice, I'm sure we could both find time to visit the botanical gardens in DC together. Is there anywhere you haven't visited in DC that you'd like to go? I'm sure we could also figure out a date for there too.

      As for your question, if you could change your apartment in any way, how would you do so?

        I hope so hear from you soon,

                Liz xxx

P.S. Your phone calls sufficed plenty for the late letter, though there's definitely nothing that can compare to your handwriting.

Hi Guys! 

    I hope you enjoy this new chapter, I wrote it all in an hour and a half after I realised I hadn't updated in over a week, so excuse the fact that its probably awful and has a bunch of mistakes.

    Anyway, I've had a pretty wild week, I did a lot of my uni shopping, finished most of the paperwork I needed to prior to enrolment and finished playing Resident Evil 8, which I'd highly recommend to any horror game lovers (fully the only horror is the giant baby portion, but it gave me nightmares because of the cries).

   Thanks for reading,

       CJ x

My letters to you - Spencer Reid x OCWhere stories live. Discover now