regina george's mother x kristen bell + lara jean's dad

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Regina George teleports into Kristen Bell's room and she's like "uh who are you?" in a very sassy accent with her pink bag on her should that turned kristen bell on and she's like "ur hot wanna uwuwuwuwuuw" and so they do it but then lara jean's dad teleports into Kristen Bell's room and he's like "uh what is this? unprotected sex going on?" and they all instantly make out so then threesome but yknow because i just finished my sex ed unit in physical education he had uh NGU or non- gonococcal urethritis because that is what i studied so lara jean's dad was sad cuz he couldn't have sex for 7 days because of the antibiotics and all of the itchy in his pp was very bad the end thank u all for reading and if you want my slideshow on non- gonococcal urethritis slideshow pls comment and comment cuz im so sad that no ones commenting :((((

ahahhahhaha its so funny cuz yknow how lara jean's dad got uh non gonococcal urethritis well bc hes uh a gynecologist so its super ironic uwuwuwuuwwu pls dont come for me

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