Shelly Harrison x slender man + plot twist with bigfoot

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Shelly Harrison or big foot's child's mom or big foot's wife was having sex secretly with slender man. They both had the hots for each other and consistently had sex with each other without big foot knowing. One day, while the two were at each others oogy woogys, big foot slammed into their room while slender man was getting humped on. "Shelly baby? is that you?" big foot said while hands were at his mouth. "u-um no! this is a mistake!" shelly said while trying to cover up her hoo haa and her big mommy milkers. 

"hehehhehehehhehe" slender man chuckled, both stopped talking while hearing the awful chuckles coming out of slender man. Both adults obviously confused, slender man slowly pulled out a pink bottle. "what is that slender baby?" shelly asked, while slender man slowly pulls a creepy grin.

"a love potion."

Obviously both were in shock, but kept quiet.

"im after your husband. He's such a hottie, his hot junkies are what keep me up at night. I had sex with you, nasty shelly just to get to your sexy husband."

Bigfoot, out of pure shock, start getting horny from staring at slender man's lean. 

"and i guess bigfoot daddy wants me too"


Big foot's child, Adam, enters the room to find his parents and slenderman having a threesome together, all tangled up on the hotel bed while thrusting into each other.

"ew wtf im out of here" adam yells while exiting the room, scaring other people while running down the hallway. 

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