Chapter 3

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~ 3rd person pov ~

Bunnix opens the burrow. Marinette and Chat Noir step out into an alleyway.

"I'm staying here just in case something goes wrong." Says Bunnix. Marinette gives her a mock solute.

"Stay behind me." Marinette orders. And with that, shes walking out of the alleyway.


~ Chat Noir/Adriens pov ~

We found Lie Detector inside the mayor's office. What Marinette was planning to do, I have no idea. I have never seen this side of her before. She seems so fearless, so.....determined. I watch from the shadows as she struts to the front of the door. Without warning, she falls to her knees and begins to cry. My first instinct is to go hold her and I find myself starting to stand. No, I musn't blow my cover. Marinette knows what she's doing. At least I hope she does.

Lie Detector walks out of the room. Surprise and triumph show on her delicate face when she notices her daughter on the floor. She doesn't even think to paralyze her. Doesn't think of how Marinette had gotten back.

"Marinette." She says, in a singsong voice. "Ready to tell momma why you have been pretending to be happy?"

Marinette looks up. Her face looks so defeated that it makes me cringe.

"Momma," she croaks, "I am not okay. You are right."

The senti-monster begins to walk toward her, as does Lie Detector.

Marinette reaches out her hand and The supervillon gladly takes it.

Instead of being pulled up, Marinette does the unexpected. She pulls Lie Detector down with her and in a couple of moves Lie Detector lays pinned to the floor, disarmed, with her hands above her head and Marinetts knees digging into her thighs.

"NOW" screams Marinette, straining to keep Lie Detector pinned to the ground. Her mother shreiks and stuggles trying to get out of her daughters iron grip. But its no use.

I'm left stunned for a moment. I mean, this is Marinette. MY Marinette. But I quickly get out if my shock and move towards the slow, but moving, senti-monster. I recall Marinette's brilliant plan and get to work. In a matter of seconds, the monster is tied up and blindfolded.

"Chat Noir!" Says Marinette. I quickly turn to see her struggling to keep Lie Detector contianed.

"The bracelet!"

"NO!" Shrieks the supervillan.

I move as fast as I can towards Marinette. "Cataclysm!" The bracelet withers under my touch.

As the supervillon and the senti-monster go still, Marinette lets out a small sigh of relief. She looks up and gives me a tired smile. I smile back, about to say something when Bunnix and Ladybug appear out of no where.

"You did it!" Breathes Ladybug. But she isnt looking at me. Shes looking at Marinette.

"C'mon Mari, its time to go back." Says Bunnix. Then, as quick as she came, Marinette was gone.

"Luckycharm!" Yells Ladybug. Then, "No more evil-doing for you little akuma, time to de-evilize," "bye-bye little butterfly" and finnaly, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

When everything goes back to normal Ladybug looks at me. "Hey." She says.

An awkward silence settles between us. I honestly don't know what to say. Are you ok? No. Where were you? No. So, I chose silence.

After a few seconds she appologizes for not being here earlier, picks up the confused Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, and then she, too, is gone as fast as she came. I heave a sigh and head home.

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