Chapter 16

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"Hi Ladybug."

The spotted heroine turns to face her partner and resists the urge to throw her arms around him. "Hi Kitty. Ready to start patrol?"

Chat Noir looks in the direction of his princess's house. Smiling, he says "Ready. You get a head start. Because I'm the cat, claw-some and fierce, I'll cat-ch you."

Ladybug rolls her eyes and let's out a giggle. "Sure, catch me if you can!"

The two superhero's of Paris play a game of cat and mouse, laughing and giggling across the city. Eventually, The cat leaps towards the bug and wraps his arms and legs around her (as if she were a pole). He shouts, "I win!" as the two of them dangle from Ladybugs yo-yo.

She giggles and brings them to the ground. "Yes my silly Kitty. You won."


"Lets play truth or dare!"

Marinette's eyebrows furrow. "Right now?"

Chat Noir leans forward. "Why not? Or are you too much of a chicken?" Chat Noir knows he said the right thing because as soon as those words left his mouth, a determined look spread across his (girlfriends?) face.

"You wish! The great Marinette Dupain-Cheng would never back down from a dare!" As she says this, Marinette flexes her biceps. Chat Noir is more intrigued then surprised to see that though the girl before him is very slim, she seems to be hiding much more muscle then he ever thought could be hidden.

"Is that so?"

His smirk is nothing short of devilish.


"Alright," he says, "I'll go first. Truth or dare?"

Without skipping a beat Marinette replies with "dare."

Chat Noirs eyes sparkle. They seem to say, 'Hahahaha! you have definitely made the wrong choice.' At this, Marinette grimaces. Regretting letting her pride come before logic.

"Hmmm. What shall I make this beautiful, foolish, girl do?" He teases, rubbing his fake beard. "I'm feline very mischievous today." "I've got It! I dare you to text one of your friends a pickup line."

Marinette groans. "But..." She covers her face and mumbles, "But?"

"But you have to have at least two cat-puns in it!"

He smiles, feeling completely paw-some. "Fine. You better choose truth next time because I swear cat, if you choose dare I will get to experience sweet - sweet revenge."

Marinette pulls out her phone and opens Alya's contact. As she thinks, she feels Chat Noir lean over her shoulder and wrap his muscular arms around her neck. Her blush spreads down to her shoulders.


Chat Noir chuckles at the contact name. "Seriously?"

Marinette tilts her head. "Seriously." She thinks for a couple more seconds before writing;

Me: If I were a cat, I'd spend all my nine lives with you. I've got the feline that you and me would make a great purr. So just tail me you love me and purrhaps I can take meow out for a wonderful dinner date consisting of more than just cheese and milk. ;)

When Chat Noir reads her text he practically cries in delight. They both laugh for what feels like hours. "ohmygod!" he wheezes, "your almost better than I am at this. There's no way she could resist such charm."

They both have goofy grins of their faces. "Alright. My turn." Chat Noir sits down, calmly awaiting the question. "Truth or dare, Kitty?" He pauses, thinking. "Truth."

Marinette is disappointed. "Really? Who's the chicken now?"

"Still you, princess."

Marinette mumbles something incoherent. Then pauses to think of a question. "Alright Kitty. I want you to tell me the truth. Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Chats face brightens. "Of course I do."

They smile at each other. Completely love struck. They would have continued the staring game if they hadn't been interrupted. Marinette looks down at her phone. Grinning like the Joker, she says, "Alya replied."

Chat Noir rushes to her side and peers down at the phone. "OHMYGODD!!" They both laugh until their faces turn completely red. 


Me: If I were a cat, I'd spend all my nine lives with you. I've got the feline that you and me would make a great purr. So just tail me you love me and purrhaps I can take meow out for a wonderful dinner date consisting of more than just cheese and milk. ;)

my4liferbestie<3: I thought you'd never ask. YESSSS! I'm gonna go break it off with Nino and then you can finally be meown. The tail of our love will go down in hiss-tory! 

my4liferbestie<3: I can't wait for our date. Then we could get meowried and have a litter of kittens!

"I can't believe your friend is playing along! Wait...this is just a friend that your texting right? This person doesn't have a crush on you?"

Marinette bites her lip, trying to keep back a grin. "No, that's my best friend Alya. She's just joking around." 

Chat Noir exhales, relived. "Okay. Good. I didn't want to have to beat some boy up."

Marinette's hand flies to her mouth. Muffling the sound of her laughter. 

"What?" A confused Chat Noir asks.

"Nino just texted me. Look."


Nino: dude. I don't appreciate u stealing my girlfriend. If I get akumatized it will be ur fault.

Mari: It's not my fault you couldn't keep my girls attention. Try harder. :P


He sighs. "You have such great friends."

"Yeah...Anyway, it's your turn to ask." Chat Noir leans forward. He sits like a legitimate cat beside Marinette on the floor. "Truth or dare."


 Cats face turns grim. "I want you to tell me the truth about your biggest fear. Chloe said that it was me. Can you tell me why?"

Marinettes entire demeanor changes. She can't tell Chat Noir the full story for many reasons. But she can tell him bits and pieces of Cat Blanc. After a minute of contemplation, she relents. "Okay. So for a while now I've had this dream about Cat Blanc. Which is your akumatized self. In the dreams you would always tell me that it was my fault and that you never...never really cared about me. That I wasn't worth saving and...I don't know. Ever since I was alone with him during the akuma it kind of took a toll on me."

He sits and listens to her will soft and caring eyes. When she's done, he gets up and hugs her. Planting a kiss on her cheek, he finally speaks. "But Marinette, you know that none of those things are true. I will always care about you. And I will always be your prince, saving you from evil. You mean so much to me that I can't even begin to put it into words."

They embrace each other for another few seconds. "Thanks, kitty. I love you."

She pulls back. "Truth or dare?"


She smiles. "I dare you to kiss me."

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