Chapter 10

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(Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I promise I'll get the next chapters out as quickly as I can. Also, don't be afraid to comment especially if you have suggestions!)

~ Marinettes POV ~

I ran home as fast as my feet could carry me. I swear, if it's not enough that I get tons of exercise as Ladybug, I get even more exercise as ordinary Marinette. It's sad to say that I've been in this position at least 3 times a week for the last couple years. In the beginning, I used to be tired after only running half a block but now....well, let's just say that I'm very used to running.

I don't even need to think of which turns to take or when to stop for passing cars. My body is on autopilot while my brain is somewhere else entirely.

I'm rounding the corner now with the home in sight. Finally giving myself a break, I slow my pace. When I open the bakery door a soft chime sounds. The familiar smell of baked goods fill my nostrils and I can't help the content sigh that leaves my mouth. I lock the bakery door and slowly make my way up the stairs.

"Sabine, do you know where I put the controllers?" my fathers voice booms. If you don't know my papa you would probably believe him to be this scary, big, burly man. But really - he's a big softie. It's not like he tries to hide that though.

"I thought you said you left them in the drawer. Have you checked there yet, Tom?"

"Oh right, Here they are! Marinette should be here soon so we should-" then he sees me.

Papa sends me a smile, "There she is! Ready to loose Marinette?"

I let out a chuckle, then my face turns serious. "Never."

I try to make myself look intimidating but let's be honest, I don't think I could ever be intimidating. Especially with my parents. We all burst into laughter. I'm so lucky to have them.

"I'm gonna go put my stuff up in my room. Be back soon."

Maman nods and shoots me a soft smile.


"Tom style! Boo yah!"

I lean forward on the couch and watch as my mom loses in the final round against my dad. If she did a double strike and then a backwards flip she might have won. But alas, she is not at my level of skill yet.

"Now it's me against you, papa" I say, pointing to him with a silly grin on my face.

"Ha-ho! You shouldn't be so giddy Marinette, you are about to lose you know."

"We'll see about that."

"Choose your characters!" The screen tells us.

We're playing Max's game now. As I look at all the villains, I think back to what that silly cat chose and how he beat Gamer 2.0. When I choose my character papa barks out another laugh. "Now you really will lose!"

"Don't be so cocky" I tut.

"Reflecta - Copy Chat. Ready? Fight!"

I smirk as papa decides to try and cataclysm me. At the last moment, I side step and shoot him with my beam. Taking two steps back, I watch and try to suppress my laughter as papa tries to figure out how to make the controller walk. Little does he know, that for Reflecta, there is a certain way to use the controller if you want to move.

"They see me cat walking..." I quote Chat before I can even register what I am saying in my head. "They hatin'." Jumping in the air, I do a roundhouse kick and push my dad off the beam.

Where It Began ~ Miraculous fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें