Chapter 6

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~ Marinette's POV ~

It's weird when I think of it - Chat Noir in my home. Honestly, it's odd that he was the one who cheered me up. I mean, he's my best friend, (aside from Alya) but I didn't think I would ever have fun with him outside of our hero work. It's probably for the best that he doesn't show up again. Because though I did have fun and I now understand that topic in chemistry, I had to stay up until 1:00 am doing my other work instead of sleeping. And what if I find out his identity? He would have to give up his miraculous. No, I can't put his secret identity at risk. He can't come to my balcony again.

Now I'm walking to school with makeup covering my eye bags and an oversized t-shirt to hide my slimmer figure. It's not like I'm purposely been skipping meals, it's just that I've been working so hard that occasionally I forget to take care of myself.

(Marinette's outfit)

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(Marinette's outfit)

I make my way up the steps to the school. Once in the classroom I take my regular seat and unzip my back pack.

"Hi Marinette! Lovely day isn't it?" I look up to see Rose standing in front of my desk with Juleka not far behind her. "Yeah." I reply with a fake smile.

"I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to make the costumes for Kitty Section." She leans over and gives me one of her classic bear hugs. When did I agree to that? "I-"

"Class, go sit in your assigned seats so we can begin learning." Says Mrs. Busteir. Rose shoots me a sweet smile and practically skips back to her chair. Juleka follows suit.

I begin to rummage through all my recent encounters with Rose. Except, I haven't had any. I turn to face Alya. "Do you remember when I agreed to that?" I ask utterly confused. But she stays silent. Her silence is enough to make me realize that I never agreed to make the costumes. "Why-"

"Ms. Dupain - Cheng, please face the board."

I give one last suspicious look to Alya before turning my attention to the teacher.

~ time skip ~

As soon as the lunch bell rings, I grab Alya's wrist and pull her to the bathroom. "I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you. Rose came up to me one day and she was telling me how Kitty Section was gonna have a gig two days from now so-"

Two days from now?! How in the world am I going to make costumes for all of them in two days? I begin to freak out, pulling my hair and squeezing my eyes shut. I feel a weight on my shoulder and look up. "I'm sorry I volunteered you to do this without letting you know first." Alya repeats, looking genuinely upset. I can't stay mad at her.

"It's alright," I sigh. I can figure this out. I'll just have to stay up two hours later today and tomorrow, figure out the theme, and get the fabric/supplies. I already have the measurements. Assuming there's no akuma attacks, I should be able to get this done.

"You don't have to do this, I could go tell her the truth..."

I squeeze Alya's hand, "No. Its alright."

~ time skip ~

I'm sitting in my last class of the day when I get an akuma alert:

| "Mr. Pigeon currently stands atop of the Eiffel Tower. Hopefully, Ladybug and Chat Noir will arrive on the scene soon-" |

"Miss? May I use the rest room?"

As soon as I see her nod her head, I'm flying out the door. When I reach the bathroom I check to see if I'm alone.

"Mr. Pigeon really needs to get in control of his emotions." Exclaims Tikki. I nod. "Tikki, Spots on!"


I run across rooftops looking for Mr. Pigeon. Taking out my phone, I ring Chat Noir. No answer. "Ugh where are you?!"
I decide to take a turn and run towards the park. Sure enough - there Mr. Pigeon stands. Ordering his pigeons around like a maniac. Why does Shadowmoth even bother akumatizing him? I let out a breath and text Chat my location.

3 minutes go by and I begin to become impatient.


I quickly turn towards Chat Noir and move my hand to cover his mouth. His eyebrows rise, with a question in his eyes.

"Mr. Pigeon is down there" I say through my teeth. Taking my hand off his mouth I ask, "Where have you been?"

"I.." I look at him expectantly. But he's not looking at me. I crane my head to the side and notice what he's staring at. A little girl holding a Chat Noir action figure stares at us through her window. I awkwardly wave and turn back to Chat. "Let's go."


When I finally got back to class I found that school was over. "I'm so sorry I....I went to the bathroom but on my way back I tripped and had to go to the nurse!" She gives me a blank stare before replying, "Just get the work from a fellow student."

I thank her and sprint out of the classroom.

~ time skip ~

It's currently 10:24 p.m. and I feel as though I'm about to pass out from exhaustion. Tikki is already sleeping and I wish I could be right there with her. But I have too much to do. So, I decide to get started on the costumes.

Fabric? Check. Supplies? Check. Design? Check. Homework? Check.

I pull out all the needles and the fabric I own. In the middle of making Rose's shirt I feel my eyes flutter shut. Just a second of rest, then I'll get back to work. And I did get a get a second of rest. Literally. One moment my eyes were shut and the next I was jumping out of my seat, pain coursing through my body.

I don't feel the true extent of it until I look down to find the source of the pain. I never turned my sewing machine off. I sewed my hand. After internally screaming at myself, I slowly walk towards the bathroom. Pulling out the first aid kit - I take a better look at the wound. I don't think it'll need stitches but it looks pretty bad. In every book I've read, the first thing to do is to rinse the blood away. There's a lot of blood. Careful not to wake Tikki, I bite my lip and turn the sink on the lowest pressure possible. As soon as the cold water touches the skin I feel lightheaded. I need to sit down.

I dizzily walk over to my mini couch in front of the window. The moment I sit down, another disturbance has me standing up again. Of all times!

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