Chapter 14

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Adrien stands under Marinettes trapdoor, stunned at the sight before him.

"What are you doing here, Chloe?" Marinette says, obviously annoyed.

"What do you think I'm doing here?! I'm obviously in your disgusting excuse for a bedroom to find some evidence to finally show my Adrikins what kind of trash he's been hanging around!"

Every word that comes out of Chloes mouth is full of acid. Adrien's stomach tightens as he quietly watches the scene. Marinette opens her mouth to speak but before she can form words, Chloe cuts her off. "I know about your creepy little crush on him and I have warned you to stay out of my way. But it seems that my message hasn't gone through to your head just yet. Unfortunately, Sabrina is utterly useless and did not inform me that you were coming up the stairs but no matter, I will bring you down. You do not deserve the attention you get from our classmates and you definitely don't deserve attention from Adrien!"

Marinettes shoulders tense and multiple feelings arise. Shame, anger, sadness, and...understanding. Chloe glares at her. But Marinette doesn't seem to be fazed. She reaches out her hand like she's gonna grasp Chloe's shoulder but ends up thinking better of it. With the kindest voice that Adrien has ever heard, Marinette says, "I'm so sorry that we haven't been welcoming enough to you. I'm sorry that your mother wasn't the best parent and I'm so sorry that I have made you feel like this. But I need you to understand that maybe if you tried being more considerate, maybe you could have more friends. If you stopped threatening every-"

Chloe's bitter, high pitched, and completely false laugh silences Marinettes speech. "Ridiculous!" she screeches, "Utterly ridiculous! You have no idea what your talking about. I have had all the riches I could possibly want. Daddy will do anything I say, including have you peasants thrown out of Paris! How dare you say such a thing." One intimidating step forward "You are nothing. Nothing! No one cares about you. Why would they? Your the loneliest, ugliest, stupidest, most ridiculous person I have ever met! And I will make sure that the rest of the school knows that too. I have-"

'That's enough.' Adrien throws open the trapdoor and angrily marches over to Chloe. He completely snaps. "No! How dare you?! I've heard enough and let me assure you, Chloe, that Marinette will never, NEVER be any of those things you've mentioned. I have stood up for you countless times because you were my friend but I can't anymore! Not after what I've just heard."

Chloe looks close to tears. But Adrien's anger has clouded any sort of sympathy he might have had for her. He points an accusing finger and grasps Marinettes hand. "Marinette is the purest person I have ever met and she most definitely does not deserve your hate" Adrien is about to continue when Marinette rests a calm hand on his chest. Turning to Chloe, she sighs. Utterly defeated.

"Listen. You- you need to leave. I don't know if you realize this, but your breaking an entering and that's against the law. Once you decide to be nice to the class you'll be welcome here anytime. But as of now, your not. If you don't leave I'm going to be forced to take precautions."

Chloe huffs and angrily stomps to the trapdoor. Adrien turns to Marinette and wraps her in his arms. They hug until she finally decides to pull away. With a sad look, she meets his eyes. "When Chloe was talking it seemed like she wasn't really talking about me, but her. She seems so lonely and I feel bad. I can understand why she hates me, I mean, her mom offered to bring me to New York after she rejected Chloe. All Chloe wants is to feel loved and I understand as much as I can but, I can't deal with her anymore. I'm exhausted."

Adrien nods his head. Chloe had been his only friend growing up. All her life her mom had been flaky while her dad was overwhelmingly generous. (When it came her her at least). She never had any discipline, and that can affect a child. "I know. I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with that. But I hope you know that what she said isn't true. Your amazing, never forget that." She closes her eyes. Adrien decides right then and there that he never wants to see this precious girl sad again. Grasping her hand, he pulls her off the chaise. "Why don't we go get ice cream?"

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