Chapter 15

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~ Marinettes POV ~

I'm crying now. Full on ugly crying. I'm in a puddle of my own blood (somehow not dead) staring into Chat Blancs cold eyes. He grins, showing all his teeth, and sinks his claws farther into my flesh.

"All your fault! I never really loved you and I never will!"

He pulls his claws out of my ripped up skin causing me to let out a shrill scream. Instead of retreating, Chat Blanc sends his fist flying towards my face. I close my eyes and wait for the impact. When it never comes, slowly, I open my eyes and see the city of Paris fall apart from above.

~ Chat Noirs pov ~

"The peasent girl has a very odd fear." She turns to me. "You."


Marinette screams at some invisible force that - according to Chloe - is me. Her screams send shivers all over my body. Tears stream down my eyes.

"Let her go Chloe! Please! She doesn't deserve this."

"Hahahahhahaha. Stupid Cat, I'm not Chloe anymore. And yes, Dupain-Cheng deserves everything that's coming to her." She spits Marinettes name out like acid, but I'm beyond caring. I'll fight until I reach my last breath for this pigtailed girl and I'll be damned if I lose my cool because of one comment.

"Actually...I think I'd rather have her awake for this." With a snap of her fingers Marinette jolts. Then screams. It's worse then the screaming before. I want to claw my ears out. It's such a horrible sound. A sound that should never have come out of the girls mouth in the first place.

Chloe snickers. "Goodbye Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

She lets go of the girl. I react on instinct and jump towards her. "No way pussy cat! You aren't going to save her this time." She grabs ahold of my belt. "Now give me your miraculous!"

Without thinking, I rip off my belt and free fall. I dive towards Marinette as fast as I can. But it's no use. I'm at least twenty feet above her. "Princess!"

She looks at my with tear filled eyes. "Chat-"

She's just about to hit the pavement when a white glow engulfs us. Suddenly we both fall into a dumpster. I don't care. I pull Marinette into my arms. She cries and clings to my chest.

"Hello Chat Noir. I'm Kaalki, the horse kwami. Ladybug has been...affected by the akuma. No worries though, she'll be fine soon. Bye now."

~ no ones pov ~

Chat Noir sighs. "At least your safe now." He pulls her in tight. Snuggling his face into the crook of her neck and breathing in that wonderful vanilla scent that he has become so obsessed with. "Oh Marinette. I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you. Don't you ever scare me like that again."

He pulls back slightly. With tears streaming down his face he leans forward and plants a sloppy kiss on her cheek. Marinette is flustered, to say the least. When she had finally managed to get her heart to beat at a normal pace, he had to go and do something like that. "I...I didn't know you cared about me so much. Umm...why?"

He chokes. "Why!?" Chat Noir can not believe this. This amazing, sweet, brave, beautiful, girl that sits before him doesn't know why he cares about her. "I care about you. A lot. Your- your an amazing girl, Marinette. Far from normal, your extraordinary. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." His face softens. "I don't know why other boys aren't currently falling over their feet trying to impress you. You know, any person would be lucky to have a chance with a girl like you."

Marinette looks at him in complete shock trying to comprehend what the hell he just said. "You- I thought you were in love with Ladybug."

"Well," he smiles "I still am. And I think that a part of me always will. But I've realized that there's someone else and I think I'm ready to let her go." He puts his hands on her shoulders. "I just need you, Marinette, my beautiful princess, to know that somewhere in the time that we've spent together, this cat tripped over his paws and fell -whiskers first- in love with the adorable, sweet, competitive, mouse. Marinette is just as extraordinary and amazing as the one and only Ladybug."

Marinette's eyes sting with tears. She lets out an adorable giggle that makes Chat Noirs insides flutter. "I've got to go now. Stay safe, I love you." He begins to pull away.

"No! You will not say all those sweet things and then just walk away like I have nothing to say to you." Without thinking, Marinette pulls his face to hers and meets his lips. After a literal second Chat Noir leans into her embrace.

'Soft, bliss, rock-hard abs, amazingly soft hair, akuma, Chat noir.'

Those are the only words that can formulate in her mind as she kisses this wonderful boy.

"Oh! The akuma! You need to go."

He whines. Clearly not wanting to leave Marinette. "I know," she says, "but you have to go defeat her. The kwamis probably got ladybug out. She can't fight Chloe alone. After all, what would ladybug be without her dashing partner, Chat Noir?"

He lets out a soft chuckle. Kissing her nose, he stands up to leave. "Be safe princess, I'll see you later."


" and Chat Noir hmm?"

Marinette blushes. She recently realized her true feelings for her silly partner and Adrien still is way out of her reach so...why not?

"Yeah. I didn't think he would like Marinette, which is why I never really believed him when he would confess all the time. But now, now I realize what a total idiot I've been! He cares for all sides of me. I should have said yes from the start."

Tikki knowingly smiles and hugs her chosen's face. "You two were made for each other. I have a feeling something great is about to happen."

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