Chapter 4

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~ Chat Noir/Adriens POV ~

I jump through the window, and when in my room, quietly speak the de-transformation words. Plagg flies out of my ring and wordlessly goes to his secret cheese stash. I go over today's events in my head. Today, I was introduced to a whole new Marinette. And I couldn't help myself, I was extremely curious. What happened to the stuttering, shy and clumsy friend that I have known for so long? And where did this new version of her come from? Why haven't I met this Marinette? Is it just me or does she hide this side of her from everyone? Why-

"Thinking about pigtails?" Plagg says while munching on his favorite cheese, Camembert.

"Yeah." I mumble.

"I wonder why she's been crying." Plagg says.

I stop functioning for a second. I don't even tease Plagg for caring about something other then his precious cheese. All I can now think about is how my brain could have possibly forgotten this information. "What..." I stutter. I look over to Plagg for some help but he seems to have forgotten this topic. So, I proceed to turn on my desk lamp, formulate a plan in my head, and try to get work done before curfew.

~ time skip ~
~ 3rd person POV ~

Once the class is settled Ms. Mendeleiev begins to teach the class. Through the entire lesson, Adrien is distracted. He tries his best not to look at Marinette as he turns over the faults of his plan in his head.

Marinette is too tired to notice though. She sits in her usual spot with a bucket load of make-up on in a hopeful attempt to hide her exhausted face. However, make-up can't hide her sleepiness. She tries to stay awake, she really does. But this class is so slow that she just can't help but close her eyes and drift into a light slumber.

This, doesn't go unnoticed by Adrien. Unlike the rest of the class, he has begun to see through her act. He has finally realised that she is slacking. She has a grungier look today, like the past few outfits she's worn this week. She has a lot more make-up on and she isn't as happy as she usually seemed. So many questions run through his head. But his thoughts are interrupted as the lunch bell rings.

He watches as Marinette stumbles awake, shakes her head, and almost trips over herself trying to get up. Then, she walks off like nothing happened, returning to the "regular Marinette".

His heart aches watching her. How long has this been going on?, He wonders. He follows her to lunch and observes how she deflates when she thinks no one is looking. So quick he almost misses it, her shoulders slump forward, her eyes haze and a deep frown finds her face. But when Alya turns toward her, a smile etches at the corners of her mouth and her posture stiffens. But her bluebell eyes are, at least to him, a dead give away. What is happening to you?, He thinks.

~ Marinettes POV ~

Alya has just told me what I think is a joke and I pretend to listen and laugh. It's not that I don't care, because I definitely do. It's just that I'm too tired to listen. Too stressed and numb to do more then smile and nod. So smiling and nodding is what I did until I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Mari-trash!" I turn to face a bratty blonde standing in front of me with a scowl on her caked up face.

"Yes Chloe?" I muster up as much calm and curiosity as I can and ask, "what can I do for you?"

Sabrina, her loyal minion, replies "Well, Mari-trash. You can move out of our way."

Alya says something, but I'm not paying attention. I look around. How am I in their way? I'm literally sitting at my regular table not blocking anyone's path. But instead of arguing I conjure up a fake smile, apologise, say my goodbyes, and leave the cafeteria. It seems I have done the right thing because when I turn back Chloe has a devilish grin spread across her face.

~ Adriens POV ~

I watch as the events play out in the cafeteria. Why does Chloe have to be so mean? I think back to when we were younger, she was always bitter but I never thought she would get this bad. But what shocks me most is that Marinette apologises. I'm about to tell her that she shouldn't have been treated that way but when I finally muster up the courage she has already walked out of the doors.

~ time skip ~
~ 3rd persona POV ~

Once Adrien explained to Plagg what he planned to do, he said the transformation words and began his journey. Thankfully, when he arrived all the lights were on and the girl he wanted to see was sitting at her desk in front of a computer with her head in her hands.

~ Marinettes POV ~

Confused as ever, I sat in front of my computer trying to figure out my science homework. Tikki was in the miracle box with the other kwamis doing who knows what. While I, suffered in silence. "Why couldn't I have just paid attention in class?" I mutter to myself. I'm in the middle of having a meltdown when I hear a faint tapping.

"Maman?" Tap, tap, tap. "You can come in" I yell. Tap, tap, tap. I sigh and walk to my trapdoor. But when I open it, no ones there. "What the-?" Tap, tap, tap. I look over to the window above my bed and let out a screech. I cautiously walk up to the window and throw it open.

"Chat Noir?"

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