Chapter 18 (Mess With Agreste)

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Marinette sits, knees pressed against her stomach, staring off into space. "Tikki. Oh my god." Tikki worriedly looks at her chosen. "Marinette. What's going on? You know you can tell me anything."

"Holy shit! How did I not notice before? He's so obviously Chat Noir."

Tikki's eyes widen. "Marinette, language! And...who?"

"Adrien. Agreste. Is. Chat Noir."

Tikki's first instinct is to deny. But...If she were to do that, she would have to continue to watch the two dance around each other. Besides, Marinette looks pretty shaken up. It would take a lot to convince her that Adrien is in fact Chat Noir, (Tikki would know) so there is no getting out of this situation. Not that she really wants to.

"How did you figure it out?"

Marinette slowly looks at her kwami. 

~Flashback to earlier~

Marinette abruptly stops. 

"Plagg! Cut it out. I'll give you more cheese at home."

A squeaky, and very familiar voice responds. "No! I'm hungry! I want my cheese. If you don't get me my beloved camembert I will never transform you again, you'll never be able to kiss and do gross human stuff with your princess again."

Marinette's eyes widen. Her entire body tightens. Shocked. Surprised. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, Marinette. How could she have not seen it earlier?

"UGH fIiiiiiiiNnnNeee. You're such a pain the neck."

~End of flashback~

"I knew it would be Plagg! That pesky little cat. When I get my hands on him I'm gonna-"

"Tikki." Marinette stands up, feeling a lot less lightheaded and a lot more clearsighted. "He loves me. Both sides of me. And I love him. Both Adrien and Chat Noir. We've been in some crazy love-square!"

"It's about time someone realized. It's truly been torturous, watching you two."

Marinette's smile is nothing short of mischievous. She runs to her diary and begins to write. "Tikki, he has made me go crazy for so long now. Not only with his crazy puns and flirting, but having to choose between two sides of him! He knew that I liked Adrien, I told him myself! He still let me go crazy. Well, it's time for that silly cat to get a taste of his own medicine. Tikki," Marinette turns to grin at the kwami. "I believe, that it's time to mess with Agreste."


When Adrien gets back from the bathroom, he frowns at the sight before him. Marinette sits, hunched over her diary, cackling like a madwoman. He slowly approaches her. Like a man would approach a wild animal. "Mari? What's going on?"

She reacts like a wild animal would, when approached by a predator. Her head connects with Adriens jaw, she closes her - journal? - with a loud smack and she throws the thing across her room. After a second of a few akward moments, she runs over to her book and places it in a drawer. Then, she walks over to him. "Are you okay?" She asks, as she helps him up. 

"Are YOU okay?" He asks, slightly freaked out. "Yup." She says, popping the p. "I'm great." Adrien's eyebrows knot. "Okay..." 

She just grins at him. Eyes gleaming scarily.


"Marinette. Are you sure you wanna do this? Shouldn't you just tell him that you know. It would be a lot easier."

Tikki looks at Marinette. Truly scared of the crazy girl plotting before her.

"Oh, Tikki. I know I want to do this. Nothing could stop me."


Ladybug and Chat Noir sit on the tippy top of the Eiffel tower  in a comfortable silence. 

"Kitty," Ladybug says, hiding her grin behind a hand. "There's something I need to tell you."

Chat nods, concerned by her tone. "Well..." she starts. "There's this girl. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you know her. Remember Evillistrator? She was the girl I wanted you to protect and she was Multimouse. Pretty cute superhero huh?"

Chat Noir's ears perk at the name. Hesitantly, he responds. "Yeah, I know her."

Ladybug lays on her side, head propped coolly in one hand. "Well, I have been visiting her. In costume."

His jaw falls to the floor. "WHAT?" he whisper shouts. 

"Yeah, and...she knows my secret identity. I'm thinking of making her a permanent part of the team. She did really good as Multimouse."

Chat Noir could not be more shocked. "You-you visit her, shared your secret identity with her, and...want to make her a permanent part of the team? WhAt?"

Ladybug fakes a concerned expression. " you think she wouldn't be a good part of the team? I mean, I know that she can be super clumsy and weird sometimes, but she's my best friend. I can't do anything without her."

Chat Noir's eyes have officially bulged out of his head. He must be dreaming. Then again, what could he have possibly been thinking about before bed that could bring up a dream like this? "She uh- whaaaaaaat?"

Ladybug sighs. "I shouldn't tell you this, kitty, but Marinette has been Ladybug. You didn't even realize." She gulps. Trying to suppress the manic laughter that's bubbling in her throat. "When I'm needed but can't come, she has my miraculous to transform. It doesn't happen all the time. But since no one noticed, she clearly has experience with miraculous's and knows how to wield one exceptionally well. Especially mine. She's a great addition to this team. It would be so great to be able to depend on more than just each other. We could even switch miraculous when we're bored."

The cat boy just sits there. Staring at his ladybug. After a few silent seconds Ladybug realizes that she won't be able to fight the laughter any longer. "Well...think about it. Meet me tomorrow. Same time and place. Bug out!"


The pigtailed girl spends the rest of her night laughing and plotting.


The oblivious cinnamon role, that is Adrien Agreste, spends the rest of his night staring into the oblivion that is his ceiling. Completely shocked and unprepared for what awaits for him tomorrow.  

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