Chapter 19

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Marinette makes her way to school with her chin high. Happily, she skipped up the steps, waving to friends as she passes. Just as she climbs the very last step, her foot catches on air and she begins to fall face first towards the floor. A hand reaches out to grab her, and she knows exactly whos hand it belongs to. Ignoring it, she follows her plan.

Putting her hands straight into the air, she lets the momentum take over and swiftly rolls. Deciding that she's not done showing off, she leans back and brings her knees up to her chest. Then, Marinette puts her hands flat on the floor and pushes. Successfully, she pulls off a kick up and continues to casually walk to her class.

She doesn't need to look behind her to know that the sweet, ignorant, oblivious cinnamon roll, that had tried to prevent her from falling is now completely frozen in shock.

A little giggle comes from her purse. She meets Tikki's eyes, silently cackling inside.

Operation Mess With Agreste is in motion and it is more entertaining than she thought it would be. Her plans are nothing short of devious and she has barely even begun.


Adrien is flabbergasted. His amazing girlfriend, Marinette, is not only secret friend of Ladybug AND knows her identity, soon to be a permanent part of the legendary superhero team of Paris, talented fashion designer, and the most amazing person in the universe, but she is also very flexible.

He has seen her fall hundreds of thousands of times and has often helped her back up or prevented her from falling in the first place, but not once, NoT OncE, has he seen her do something like that. And for her to just casually saunter away like she did? What in the world is happening?

Unsteadily, he walks into class to be granted to the sight of Marinette lazily lounging in her chair, ankles crossed, and arms folded across her chest. Her tilted head turns in his direction and she looks straight into his eyes. Frozen, once again, Adrien- She's Just a Friend- Agreste's face heats up. She smirks.

"Ugh- what's wrong with you dude? I'm trynna get inside."

He stands there for a moment before moving. Not breaking eye contact, he walks to his desk and literally just stands there. Marinette picks up a croissant from a box sitting on the table and hands it to him. "Hungry?" She asks, looking at him through her lashes. Wordlessly, he takes it. Finding that words are extremely hard to find right now. "You need some more carbs. You're way too skinny for a growing boy. Besides, a couple croissants won't hurt your pretty face, or take away that six-pack you've got hiding under there." She winks. Winks at HIM. Adrien!

Alya and Nino's eyes bulge from their heads. Adrien just stands there.

"Mr. Agreste! Is there a reason that your entire face is the color of a tomato? Do you have a fever or eat something you're allergic to?"

Ms. Bustier looks at her two students before realizing what really happened. Shifting into cupid-mode (her alter ego,) she says, "Marinette, why don't you escort Mr. Agreste to the infirmary to get some ice?"

Marinette smiles. "Happy to help, ma'am." She stands and takes Adrien's hand. "Come on sunshine, wouldn't want you to burn up."

She pulls him out of the room, still holding his hand, and points at the croissant. "Eat up, sweetheart."

What IS this?

They silently walk to the infirmary. Only the sound of their footsteps and his munching are heard. His mind reels. 'First Ladybug and now this? Are they playing some cruel trick on me?' He "subtly" looks at her. 'No. Marinette doesn't know who I am so she and Ladybug have no reason to play a trick or even think about Adrien.'

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