Anna Karenina

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Title: Anna Karenina

Author: Leo Tolstoy

Genre: Drama, Slice of life, Classic

Language: English/ Russian

Chapters: 239

Status: Completed (Published)

My Review:

Hmm... Classic one... A classssssssiiiicccc oooonnnnee. So yeah let me tell you a story of an aristocrat lady who just wanted to be understood and loved. Actually for me Anna is so chaotic (≧▽≦).

Okay so in a long time ago in Russia (Yes , the setting of this story was in Russia okay? Can't you see? It's pretty obvious?!) I think in mids 70's, 80's , 90's???

I have a poor memory oh my goodness help me brain— jk!

Then she had a husband, and a son and they are a loving family. Yehey! Hope all right? But bam! This guy who's a count who happened saw Anna was been bewitched at her charms and he was like "Oh my heavens this is the most beautiful woman I ever seen I love her already". What a bullsh*t.


OKAY. Then he was engaged to Kitty, the younger sister of Anna's sister-in-law. Kitty and Anna are very well friends, and Kitty had a  childhood friend named Levin who's really love her from the very start but she's blind, okay?!

Kitty's and Anna's relationship got ruined thanks to that guy. Kitty is so heartbroken that she wanted to volunteer as a nurse in Germany. That time Germany is in a war state battling another country. At first of course her parents doesn't want to but they agree later on thanks to the elder sister (supportive sestah).

Anna here starting to have a chaotic feeling in her guts and heart (not her head). She wanted that guy but she's married, so he and her decided to have an affair. His husband Karenin was devastated (of course duh???) And because something happened already between with Anna and the count... she got pregnant! YEY WHAT A SH— but of course Karenin threatened Anna for hurting his ego and going be like, "Yeah great we've been married for 6 years and you're saying your not happy? Then what's our son to you? Trash?" Then Anna was like, "NO. NO. YOU DON'T LOVE HIM GIVE ME MAH BOI!"

Karenin make her decide that if she choose that F— count she won't see her son anymore or she'll stay and won't see him again.

She was like: MEEP! BOO-HOO okay just don't take away my son from me! BOO-HOO!" She promised.

And I was like: Okeh?!

Then she didn't kept her promise. She still flirts with the count even her belly is huge now.

In the other hand Kitty here (I forgot to mention she's a princess) is in a healing process from heartbreak she start enjoying being a voluntary nurse there then she met a General who lost his both of his legs. Kitty pity him and accompany him as a friend. Then one day she knew that he has a wife and Kitty here is supportive but he was scared and said he wasn't ready.

Time goes by and it's time for him to go home but he was like,"Nay nay I don't want to go! Let's run away together!"

She was like, "I'm sorry I'm not a snake. Now go and meet your wife."

He did met his wife that day thanks to Kitty's plan. Kitty was happy that she help those two couple to remain the love of each other and now she feel complete and decided to go back to Russia.

Meanwhile Levin is just doing farm jobs with his people that he somewhat rules??? To forget Kitty he just diverted and devoted his time to his people but when he saw Kitty riding in the carriage that passed him by he forgot that Kitty once broke his heart.

In short term he is not over at her yet.

Anna here successfully given a birth to a baby girl! Both the count (who they both assumed the father) and her husband is waiting outside the room. Then the doctor called Karenin and the count left alone with Anna's son.

He was like, "Be strong. That's how you were born."

Then her son was like, " Hoe you ain't there."


Karenin was very hurt and sad for what the doctor said. She might die from the blood lost and he's not ready to be a widow he love her but can't express it at her how much. He hold Anna's hand and Anna start to request that him and the count should get a long. The end!


Anna is not doing fine. I feel that she's mentally ill. Anna stop seeing the count and said she didn't love him and only her husband that she loves but then when his brother come to visit him she started breaking down saying, " I DON'T LOVE HIM! HE DISGUSTED ME!". Since her brother love her much he talks to Karenin that they should get divorce but Anna here doesn't want too.

Very chaotic isn't it?

Then a drama has done and Anna and that count with baby Anna goes to Italy (●__●) that count left everything he had for Anna and to  he thought HIS daughter. Anna become more insecure, jealous and paranoid. When they come back to Russia the count doesn't want her to go outside from the meantime because they will be the talk of the town. Him, her and Karenin.

While Anna tasting her owns regrets. Kitty and Levin was giving a second chance to one another and their love blooms in time. Kitty learned how to love Levin in sincerity and not lust. Levin loves Kitty more day by day with full of unbreakable promises. They get married, settle things before it turns out in misunderstanding and help each other.

Anna can't help it anymore when she saw a girl with him which she thought he love somebody else but he didn't. Then her and the count got in a huge fight so thus the count left her. At the end Anna killed herself. She let herself fall down in the moving train. Her son still waits for her not knowing her mother is dead. Karenin was the real father of Anna's daughter who's she named after her, and the count is still in love with Anna and been hunted by pain and memories they spent together. Kitty and Levin had a baby boy and their long waited rain to water the crops finally been blessed.

Overall this story is so complex.

This story give me a headache when I first read and watched it. In the movie it shows how cold Anna's surrounding was, in Novel it describes it more in details. Both the movie and book is amazing. I watched it three times and read it one time. This is a sad story about her. Leo Tolstoy is a great Author when it comes to this things. He deserved awards!

I suggest you to watch "Anna Karenina|Mini Series|by movie central" this is more great movie that could explain this story.

Whoo! This review is so long than to my other reviews. Oh well I hope you did enjoy this!

Thank you!

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