The Little Prince

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Title: The Little Prince/ Le Petit Prince

Genre: Classic, Fantasy (I guess), Slice of Life (I believe)

Writer: Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Language: French/English

Chapters: 27

Status: Completed (Published)

My Review:

Alright, I'm crying, touché mon amis!

I'm not new with this book I already read this since I was a kid okay?

This week I've been thinking something that circling in my mind for the whole month and I found that this is it.

So let's go!

Okay so there's a man who has no name I suppose? I can't remember. Then he's been stuck on Sahara desert because his plane...crash???( DAMN IT! I hate having poor memory!)

Then he met a boy a little boy and called him little prince because I guess that's how Little Prince introduced himself to him???

So anyway little prince asked him to draw a sheep. And our adult guy here was like: Why this boy want me to draw a sheep?! When I'm in the middle of repairing.

So yeah he draw a sheep for him.

Also the story tells by the point of view of the man. And the sad thing about it is when his creativity been suck out of him because people telling him to be practical when he was a kid and so thus he grown up as a pilot but the career he always wanted is to be a painter.


He draw many sheep but Little Prince here being an attitude kid that you wanna spank(just kidding) said no to every sheep he draws.

He goes: No that's to thin, no he looks sick, no too chubby, no he looks lazy.

And of course any human would do is to be irritated. So our man here have enough and draw a box with three holes and give it to Little Prince and he was like: Oh my gosh this is what I wanted, thanks Santa!

What a kid

Our man here is confused like: How the flip that's a sheep?! It's just a box.

Then Little Prince was like: Nay nay there's a sheep in there and he's hungry.

And I was like: Damn... The most creative and imaginative version of mind of every toddler.

They spent the days together. Sharing stories of one another. Little Prince telling how he left his planet( which is an asteroid) to explore other planets until he arrived in planet earth and he met many roses which made him sad because he feels that his one rose which just pop up on his planet is not unique until he met a fox telling him everything is unique but the fox said they can't stay friends for one day he can betrayed him.

Whut?! Why?!

But he didn't betrayed Little Prince he just need to go until he met our man here.

The man still working on his plane and he was about to finish it. He wanted to tell the good news yet he feel sadness to bid goodbye to Little Prince little didn't he know that day will be their last day.

Yesterday Little Prince told him to go to this place and watch the sunrise with him tomorrow and so thus that's happened yet slowly the Little Prince shed a tear and saying: This day is my anniversary on earth.

DAMN! THAT'S PAINS ME YA KNOW?!(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

The man didn't say a word and then tomorrow Little Prince is gone. The man got to go back in the city and realized many things. Then there's no day his hoping to see that Little Prince again.

That's how it ends.

The thing I love about this is I can relate. Ya know when you grow up it will never be the same but when your passion still lives in your heart then it will be same as before.

Growing up sucks but that's part of life. People always will discourage you and that's sucks but that's life. That's why we have choices to pick, and that's why I love this very very much.

And as far as I know the author dedicated this to his dead friend. May you rest in peace.
(That's just what I know okay?!)

I rate this 1000000000000001/10

C'mon it's the best?!

Also this had a movie and I already watch it where the man got old and theirs a girl who had a journey to find Little Prince and then bam bam bam she found him but he already grown up as an adult.

I rated the movie version the same as how I rate this book and I recommend to you both of them.

It still the best, both animation and the book but book speak more to souls, while the movie dried your eyes for crying endlessly.

I have a copy of the published book and I'm securing it because it has sentimental values. And I heard there's a part two which I can't find and I'm dying to get one. (OKAY WHY I'M SHARING THIS TO YOU?)

Hope you have a great day and if you don't like this review, I don't care( ╹▽╹ ).

Go read it and have your own opinions! THANK YOU!

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