14 ✘ blackmail

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ATLAS MCALLISTER IS labelled the 'mysterious' one for a reason, trying to track him down is like a dog trying to catch its own tale

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ATLAS MCALLISTER IS labelled the 'mysterious' one for a reason, trying to track him down is like a dog trying to catch its own tale. It's nearly impossible.

Lucky for me, Sage Evanders is always the centre of attention, and where he is Atlas is usually close by.

Currently, Sage is standing on a table as some of the girls from the cheerleading team teach him a move that they do. It's a provocative one that had my Mom clutching her pearls when she'd come to see one of the football games last year.

There aren't a lot of things I'm sure of, but I definitely know that hips are not supposed to be moving the way Sage's are. "And your body just...moves like this?" The boy asks, genuinely in shock, as he rests his hands on his hip with a cock of his head.

One of the girls nods, "Mhmmm and it's worse when we're on our period. It's like ten thousand pins stabbing into my guts whilst I try to oooh—" She moves her hips in a perfectly smooth circle, "And ahhhh—" She reverses it. It's impressive I'll give her that, especially in the mostly unflattering Sterling Academy uniform that makes everyone look like boxes.

Sage's hips move again in the sensual circle, "Fuck, I've got a lot of respect for you girls. I mean keep moving your hips like that and you might just have to show me the rest of the dance."

They all giggle, "We might."

"Mr Evanders, get down from that table," Principal Leighton sighs, not even paying attention to the light haired boy.

With a cheeky grin, Sage raises his hands in surrender but ultimately gets down. By the time he has Principal Leighton has already walked passed.

I flicker my eyes over to where Atlas is seated. He's to the left of the whole commotion, currently sporting an unimpressed look towards Sage which the other refutes with an easy wink.

I make a beeline straight towards him, knowing this well and truly might be my only time to speak to him. I've already told Ajay and Eva to not wait up for me after class, so they'll be waiting at our spot in the cafeteria.

The closer I draw to Atlas, the more clammier I find my hands being. I wipe them against my skirt twice and settle them by my side.

Atlas isn't scary, he's just quiet. I don't see him hanging out with anyone other than his friends and the basketball team. Though, the time with the latter has been cut short since his acl tear that everyone heard about over summer break.

Other than those two groups, he occasionally hangs around Xemina Ćurković and Aristotle Reyes, but I'm pretty sure that's because the three of them have been neighbours since forever.

I reach him slower than I thought I would, Atlas has his eyes directed right past me and I would feel badly if I wasn't as confident as I am. Under the sun his rich brown skin glows and I plaster on a smile. When there's no acknowledgement on his behalf, I cough.

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