25 ✘ whore couture pt.2

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✘ most likely to od ✘

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most likely to od


Clairemount. I'm so sorry, I can't believe this has ended in death. I know they're saying there were other factors to your death, and there might have been, but this still played a role. I know you aren't going to see this, but it felt right to write this to you. Rest up, you were a good one.

— I keep it real

— Valé

[ email can not be reached ]

THE DOUBLE DOORS of Hellborn's mansion opens up the first time I knock on them, which I'm grateful for considering the wind alongside my costume isn't the best duo.

However, the mere sight of Lotus on the other side is enough to have my gratefulness depart. Lotus is quiet for a second too long in comparison to...well him. If the wind hadn't been bad enough the feel of his eyes on me is.

"I'm taking photos, I can pass them along later if you'd like to stare at that too?" I offer.

His brows shoot up for a second, a glint of intrigue passing through his dark eyes. His mouth opens up, and I cut in immediately.

"Don't even begin to say anything sexist. I'm not feeling — how do I say this — wired to put up with your bullshit today."

"Noted, but on that note — have I told you how much I despise you?"

I step up on the ledge, entering his house. "Yes. Countless times and I remember them all." Lotus doesn't budge when I try to push past him, forcing me to look up at him.

"Good. Have a fun time in there, Valé."

My smile is strained, annoyance prevalent. "I will." I bite back, the same time he steps out of the way allowing me in.

"Oh and Valé?" I turn around giving in to whatever bullshit Lotus is about to spew, "hot costume...too bad it's wasted on you."

I smile at that, knowing it's his messed up way of saying I look good. "Thanks. Can't say the same about yours."

"That good?" He cockily asks.

"That bad." I scoff. He rolls his eyes and I turn away, disappearing into the party.

I find who I'm looking for almost immediately, he's standing near the punch bowl but there's no trace of drink in his hand.

He's almost unrecognisable under the skeleton makeup on his face, which has completely darkened the surrounding areas of his eyes — making his already vibrant green eyes even more striking. The rest of his face however, is lightened with a white base.

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