01 ✘ wrong people right ideas

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I never thought I'd live to regret the day where it all started. I never thought it would be me who chose hurt rather than love to nourish. But we're all heartbreakers, in the end, I just never figured it would be my own.

"WHY ARE WOMEN so much more interesting to men, than men are to women?"

"Virginia Woolf," Nadia swiftly answers from the edge of her queen—sized bed. A sly smirk paints her ruby lips, it's enough indication for me to know she knows she's right. I grin back.

The last time we played this game was in the eighth grade — when I still hadn't grown out of my dark curly hair that pooled down my shoulders, and Nadia hadn't started to straighten her thick dark wavy hair.

"No, but seriously, why?" I sigh, walking past her until I fall back onto the Persian doona that drapes over her bed. Even though the Baelene's gifted me a set last year I'm still jealous of Nadia's Persian roots that's led her to having an infinite amount of them stored away.

"Probably because men gain when women are beaten down and objectified at the hands of them. I mean you've also got to consider that society — even if 'unknowingly'" Nadia air quotes whilst rolling her eyes, "perpetuates misogynistic behaviours throughout everything. Female celebrities date three men in the course of eight years?...sluts. Female politicians seen having fun?...not serious enough. An actress decides to address a real—world issue?...she needs to stay in her lane. I mean, the media is against us." She breathes out, I raise my head from the pillow and catch sight of her shrugging.

"Well, yeah," I answer, unsure of how to reply.

A comfortable silence washes over the room after my failed attempt to continue on the conversation. The tranquillity breaks when Nadia starts talking again, but I'm not too bothered. "I still can't get over that list though. It's so messed up." Underlying intrigue isn't completely oblivious from her tone. But who's to judge? I can't either.

"Apparently, one of the girl's parents admitted her into a psych ward because she had a mental breakdown after someone spray—painted her number on her front gate."

My stomach churns but I know I indirectly contributed. No one knew Sterling Academy before 'The List' — well, let me rephrase. No one knew Sterling Academy other than on a surface level before 'The List.' I mean to most people we're just some privileged rich kids rolling in money, and I don't disagree...completely. However, the narrative changed when 'The List' got out. People changed when it was broadcasted and so did the school.

The first week it got out, no matter how hard I tried I physically couldn't keep myself from checking it. It was everywhere; printed, shared, sent, posted. Everyone knew everything, and yet no one did anything.

A proclamation of accusation occupied the following weeks. But I shouldn't feed into rumours, I know better than that.

I should.

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