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Lias pov:
"Okay first shot you'all" Justin says excited. We count to three and drink the shot. Ew, it does not taste good. "Was this your first shot?" Caleb says chuckling. "Yes" I chuckle. "I thought you drank alcohol before?" He furrows his brows. "I did but only beer and stuff like that" I explain. "Makes sense" he shrugs.

We all talked and took some more shots until we play truth or dare again. I don't even know why we play this all the time.

I feel myself getting in the stage before you get drunk so I drink some water to sober up a little bit.

"Now whenever you don't want to to do a dare or don't want to answer a question you have to take a shot instead of taking off a piece of clothing" Caleb makes clear.

"I begin, truth or dare" Justin asks Jacob. "Dare" he says. "We start slow, read out your three last google searches" Justin wiggles his eyebrows.

Jacob takes out his phone and looks at his last searches. Then his eyes kinda widen and he shakes his head. I know damn well that he's not gonna read out his searches. "Have to pass" he takes one shot. "Lameee" Justin says and we all laugh.

"Your turn" Justin nods at Jacob. "Theo, truth or dare". "dare" of course he chooses dare again. "Let Someone see your last three pictures of your 'eyes only' on Snapchat. You can choose who". That's creative.

Theo takes out his phone, goes on Snapchat, types in his code and holds the phone in front of me. I widen my eyes and look at him. "Take it" he demands. Is he trying to hide a smile? Oh please don't let it have these kind of pictures.

I take the phone and look at the first photo, which is actually video. On the video you can see him doing really embarrassing things while he's drunk. I feel second hand embarrassment so I scroll to the second picture, which is...another video ugh. I have to try and hold in a laugher because the video is really embarrassing. "What is there?" Caleb asks noisy. "Only her" Theo raises his index finger.

I scroll to the last picture and widen my eyes. I expected another video and not him being shirtless with red lights on. He's leaning with one hand against a doorframe and looks down to the camera. You can see his muscular biceps and his six pack. He's hot...what no. It's just a normal picture of him being shirtless. His hands holy. I love hands. Wait...how long have I been looking at the picture? Shit. I look up and give Theo, who's smirking at me, his phone back. He enjoyed that.

"Was there something interesting?" Justin raises one eyebrow and smiles. "What? No. Just videos of him being drunk" I try to sound as normal as possible.

I look at Theo and send him a glare, he just replies with a smile.

„Uh Caleb truth or dare" Theo looks away from me. „Dare" Caleb answers proud. „Go get us some snacks" Theo says serious. „Really?" Caleb says disappointed and rolls his eyes. Theo nods and Caleb stands up to grab some snacks. Poor guy only wanted to have some fun.

Five minutes later he comes back with a big bowl of snacks and puts it in the middle of us. „Okay my turn" he sits down again. „Lia truth or dare" he says smiling. „Uh dare?" I say unsure. „Sit on Theo's lap until it's your turn again" my eyes widen and I send a glare to Caleb who's enjoying my reaction. I look at Theo and he shrugs and pats his lap. I roll my eyes, stand up and sit down on his lap. Well actually I sit on his knees because I don't want to be heavy.

Suddenly I feel his cold hands gripping my waist pulling me properly on his lap so I'm touching his chest with my back.

It's kinda uncomfortable so I try and get a better position on his lap, wiggling around. „Lia" he groans and feel his hands again, this time on my hips. He grabs them strong and stops me from moving. He leans forward until I feel his breath on my ear. "Stop. Moving" he says slow.

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