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I lay my keys on the counter and immediately search for my Mom. „Mom?" I call, still with the exam in my hand that I got back in class. „Mom-„ I stop in my tracks when I see her sitting on the couch...with my dad. He isn't suppose to be home.

"Isn't dad suppose to be at a meeting?" I ask her instead of him. "No he cancelled" she looks at him for a second before returning her attention to me. "Why?" I look at him and then at her again. They're acting weird. "You wanted to tell me something, didn't you?" She changes topic.

„I just wanted to show you something. I didn't know dad was already home so I guess I'm going to show you two" I smile awkwardly, accepting the fact that she changed the topic.

„Uh I got the score for my exam...the one I told you about, remember?" I only look at my mom because I didn't talk with my dad about any exams. „Of course!" she already gets excited.

„Well I got the best score out of the whole class" I can't hold back a smile. „That's amazing Lia! I knew you would do good. All these worries for nothing" she stands up and hugs me tight. While she does, she sways a bit, showing how excited she is for me.

„Congratulations" I hear from my father in an unimpressed voice. „Thank you" I break the hug and look over to him. „But it was obvious, you have always been good at math" he forces a smile. „Yeah but I still needed to study very hard for the exam, it wasn't that easy" I frown a bit.

„Then why did you got a good grade if it was hard?" He questions and I already know he's about to ruin my day. "Because I studied for it?" I look at him questionably. "So you're telling me you didn't study for biology? You told me you only got a 83 because it was very hard but now that you're class best even though it was hard, I know that you didn't study" he crosses his arm and looks at me with a skeptical look. "I did study but as I said it was very hard and as you said I like maths more" I try to defend myself, already collecting arguments if I need them later.

"Next time study harder, it's not that hard. It's biology Lia" he shakes his head in a disappointed typ of way and picks up a magazine from the couch table. "I just wanted to tell you about my success and you try to find a way of ruining my day" I swallow the lump in my throat. I hate being emotional.

"It's not my problem that you can't handle criticism" his attention is not on me anymore but on the magazine he's reading. "Criticism? That wasn't-" my mom interrupts me. Probably better because I'm already on edge. "We have to go honey" I scrunch my eyebrows and turn around. "Where are you going?" I ask her. "We're having dinner at a really beautiful restaurant" she tells me with excitement in her eyes. "What why?" It slips out of my mouth.

"Why not?" She tries to keep her smile but she knows exactly what I meant and why I asked. I don't respond and just look at her. I can't believe they're going on a date. She told me she's getting a divorce if he doesn't change...that was a year ago and he definitely didn't change. What is she doing?

"We actually didn't want to tell you but we've been going to marriage counseling for about a month now and it was recommended that we should go out every two weeks to rebuild our relationship" she tells me a little retired, waiting for my reaction. „Wow..." I scoff and grab my backpack to head upstairs. "Lia I really think it's a good idea and it's already working" she follows me. "Weird because I don't notice any change" I make my way to the kitchen to grab an apple.

„Didn't you just eat lunch at school?" I hear the voice of my father as he gets closer to the kitchen. „Of course, how stupid of me to grab an apple" I sarcastically smile at him and get out of the kitchen without an apple. "What a great man you're married to" I give my mom a smile just to drop it right after again. „You ate lunch, you don't need an apple" well I didn't eat lunch so I kind of need the apple but honestly I don't mind. Without looking at neither of them I go upstairs.

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