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„Lia, sweetie wake up" Someone puts the hair strands out of my face. "Lia, school, wake up" they then tap my shoulder. "Hm?" I wake up being confused because normally my alarm wakes me up. "Oh my god did I oversleep?" I sit up straight while almost having a heart attack. "No I just thought I'm gonna wake you sooner because you always hurry so much in the morning and forget to eat breakfast" my mom smiles.

"That's not true, I ate my breakfast yesterday" I lay down again. "Because I forced you. You forgot to eat your breakfast for two weeks now." She looks at me with a raised brow.

"Because I want to sleep longer...and now you took at least an hour of sleep" I sigh and close my eyes. "Forget it, you're not falling asleep again." She takes my blanket and throws it on the floor. "Thank you that actually helps me falling asleep" I mumble sarcastically into my pillow.

"What do you want to eat?" She goes to the door. "Sleep" I answer still with my face into my pillow. "A porridge with fruit? Sure"

"Hell no" I look up to her. "Why?" She looks at me puzzled. It has wayyy too much calories. "Because...I don't like porridge" I stand up and grab the blanket. "You love porridge" she raises a brow and puts her hand on her hip. "Just make a fruit bowl or something" I shrug and she nods, leaving me alone.

Because I have way too much time to get ready I use the time and do my makeup. I don't know if I should call it makeup because it's just mascara, blush and a bit concealer and sometimes a bit highlighter.

"Enjoy" my mom comes through the door again and puts a bowl of cut fruit next to me. "Thank you" I blow her a kiss. "You look beautiful" she looks at me through the mirror. "You think?" I try to hide a smile. "Yes" she nods and goes through my hair to loosen it a bit. "Should I braid your hair?" She plays with it. I just shake my head because I got food in my mouth. "Okay" she chuckles and leaves again.

I would love to have braids but I think I gained weight on my face so it would probably look bad.


"Are you free after school?" Theo asks behind me, getting his lunch. "No why?" I smile at him. "Because you're finally meeting our team" he smiles and my smiles drops. "Today?" My eyes widen. "Why not?" We walk to our table where Tyler, Liv and Paul are already sitting. "Because I don't have my camera with me" I look at him worried. "You don't need it." He answers short and we sit down.

"But you told them I'm not a professional right? I don't want them to get mad at me because it's not what they expected" I bite in my taco. "You're gonna be the best photographer we ever had" he assures me.

"Don't worry, they'll love you" he ads when he sees how my brain starts thinking about everything. "Wait did you ask your coach?" I worry. "Yes" he nods. "What did he say?" I bite in my taco again. "That you can't come" he looks at me without any face expression. "What?" I look at him confused. "Lia he obviously said you can come or else we wouldn't have this conversation" he laughs and shakes his head. „Right" I slowly nod, embarrassed by my stupidity.


"Ay Lia finally meeting everyone?" Caleb high fives me. "Looks like it" I chuckle nervously. "Cool, where's Theo?" He looks around. "I don't kno- oh there he is" I automatically smile when I see him. "Let's go then" we all walk to the field where they have practice.

When we arrive I can already see at least 20 guys sitting on the benches or standing somewhere near the benches.

„Ah great, you must be Lia" a man in his maybe fourties' says smiling at me. „Yes" I smile back. „My name's Jorge but everyone calls me coach, you can decide which one you want to say" he holds out his hand for me to shake. „Nice to meet you" I shake it. „So I heard you can photograph?" he chuckles slightly. „Yes" I nod and leave the ‚but I'm not a professional' part away because that doesn't come across well.

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