Night hiking

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Hey, before you read this chapter I want to warn you that the topic panic attacks are going to be mentioned. So if that triggers you, you can skip this chapter. I'll leave a little summary at the end of this chapter for the ones who don't read so you still know what happened. For the rest who's reading, enjoy!

Little side note: If you struggle with panic attacks I want you to know that you're so strong. You don't deserve any of this. Times will get better, I promise, just keep going! <3


"Come on guys" April, one of the supervisors yells. "When do we arrive?" I say not wanting to walk anymore. "I think in ten minutes" Paul looks at his watch. Why did he look at his watch? It's dark outside, he can't even see his own hands.

The whole day we didn't really do much. We all just went swimming and played games with the camp. And because we all were bored, April and Markus thought it would be a cool idea to go night hiking instead of chilling by the campfire today.

I loved that idea to be honest but I didn't think we would walk that far away from the camp. We are walking for over an hour now and my legs really start to hurt because we don't hike straight forward, we often go uphill which is really exhausting. But the vibe and the stars make the whole situation a lot better and April said we're going to a place where you have the perfect view at the stars.

"Already tired?" Jacob comes from behind and walks now next to me. "Not tired but exhausted" I laugh. "I can carry you piggyback if you want" he suggests.

"It's alright you don't have to" I chuckle. "No really it's fine" it's like he wants to have an extra weight on him. "Uhm I don't kno-" I try to say but he already goes in front of me and picks me up.

I let out a little squeal and hold on to his shoulders. He grabs my legs around his waist and jumps so I'm properly on his back. "You really didn't have to do that" I laugh. "But I wanted to" he replies and goes further.

"Ay Jacob can Lia and I switch positions?" Justin asks jokingly. "No way" Jacob laughs. "Ugh you have it good Lia" Justin sighs and I laugh.

"If I get too heavy you tell me ok?" I say to Jacob. "You're not even near to being heavy" he says and I feel instantly better.


"We are here. You can now search a spot where you wanna sit and I prepare the fire with Markus" April says and wanders off to Markus.

"You can let me down now" I chuckle. "What if I don't want to?" Jacob says probably with a smile on his face. "Well then I have to scream" I shrug. "Okay okay" he chuckles and let's me down. "Thank you for carrying me" I stand in front of him. "Always my pleasure" he smiles.

"Lia you coming?" Justin shouts from the place where him, Tyler and Paul are already sitting. "I'm coming" I shout back and make myself with Jacob to their way.

I sit down next to Justin and Jacob sits next to me putting an arm around me.

"Justin?" I whisper to him. "Yes?" He whispers back. "I have to go to the toilet" I say. "Then go" he chuckles. "But here's no toilet".
"then go find a spot where nobody sees you" he says. "Can you come with me?" I still whisper.

"No why?" He asks like it's something really weird. "Because it's fucking dark outside. What if somebody murders me" I really don't want to get murdered.

"Nothing will happen. Just don't go too far away" he comforts me. "Okay but if I'm getting murdered, it's your fault" I say and stand up. "Yeah yeah" he chuckles.

I look around and search where I could go. Then I find a little path and go to it. I walk where the path leads me and stop when I think nobody can see me anymore. I go left, away from the path further into the woods so I'm sure that nobody can see me while I'm peeing.

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