〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏 〛eating trash and nearly killing heroes

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: A day in the life of Y/N. Also, poor All Might.


You drummed your fingers on your desk in irritation. It really was a test of patience, a test you were close to failing. Finally after what felt like an eternity but was probably just a minute or two, the loading bar filled completely. Then...

Assignment submitted! Woo-ho! And with that you were finally done with school for the week! Maybe it was cheating to use your speed to type up an essay in under ten minutes but you couldn't bring yourself to care.

You leaned back in your chair and glanced at the clock. You could grab food from your favorite fast food place! After all, you were all done with your work and you could workout later.

Standing you quickly got ready, not bothering to change out of your cozy clothes aside from throwing on a sweater. This particular sweater was one you'd gotten from a bargain store within the first week of coming to japan. It was just a grey comfy sweater with black sleeves but it had the word "CONDENSATION" written on it in bold font. You were a sucker for weird clothes like that.

Your phone pinged just as you were pulling your shoes on. You fumbled it out of your pocket, a text message from your dad. It was a picture of his hand holding a keychain of a... Well, you thought it was supposed to be a teddy bear but... It was cheap and oddly made with disproportionate limbs and a long nose.

dad: [image]

Look what I found!

me: awful.

dad: I'll buy him for you.

me: dad...

dad: Too late!


me: if i get cursed and/or eaten, i'm blaming you.

dad: Fair.

me: done with homework.

gonna grab some trash to eat for lunch. :)

dad: Enjoy! And don't get in trouble!!

me: ????

when have i ever gotten in trouble??

dad is typing...

me: nvm!! don't answer that!

dad: Ha! I have to get back to the office soon

Have fun and I love you!

me: love you too!

You couldn't help but smile. Your dad had a good job in a good company but he has to travel a lot so he's rarely home and busy more often than not. Despite that he always made a point to keep in touch with you and sent postcards and gifts from all the places he visited. He was the main source of your terrible sense of style and humor.

Stepping outside and locking the door behind you, you scrolled through your music library before finding something to listen to and pocketing your phone. It wasn't that far to the fast food place. You could have ran there and been there in a second but nah... you just wanted to relax for a bit.

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