〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓〛the medalists and the meeting?

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the end of the sports festival arc! Or is it? :)

"The first‐year students have completed all of the events for the UA Sports Festival. Now it's time to relax and enjoy the awards ceremony!"

You were not, in fact, relaxed or enjoying the awards ceremony. Instead you buried your face in your hands as the podiums raised.

Banana socks... You'd won because of banana socks.

Todoroki stood to your left, seemingly more relaxed than you'd ever seen him. If it were anyone else you'd assume that they were mocking your obvious stress but you doubted Shoto would be that subtle.

Bakugou on the other hand was staring you down so intensely you were half worried that he was going to leap onto your podium and bite your head off. (You felt like Bakugou was the most likely to bite someone out of your class.)

As the smoke cleared you tried to take a more confident pose since you knew that there would be cameras and that your dad would somehow get every single picture and show them to everyone who as much as glanced at him and you didn't want him to have to deal with bad pictures of you moping.

Of course, you saw your dad the moment the smoke cleared. He was standing at the very edge of the stands, crying and waving his arms frantically and yelling what you could only guess were congratulations of some sort, given that he was more crying than talking. Tatsu was waving his paws and jumping up and down and Alya, the only one of them even close to composed and even she was smiling wider than you'd ever seen, held your dad's phone in her hands, clearly recording.

"Now, let's break out the hardware. Of course, there's only one person worthy of distributing the awards..."

You heard a familiar laugh and you breathed a sigh of relief. Whenever All Might was around, he hogged all the attention so you could take a few moments and catch your breath.

"All Might's up there!"

Of course, dramatic as usual. He just had to leap across the entire stadium. (Not that you blamed him. Jumping around was very fun.)

"Citizens! I am here with the medals!" "All Might is the number one hero!" All Might and Midnight both spoke at the same time, practically talking over each other.

Midnight laughed sheepishly, "Ruined that, didn't I?"

"This group of first‐years is so lucky!"

"I can't believe they've got the best hero teaching them."

You doubted they'd think you were so 'lucky' if they had to sit through one of All Might's scattered classes.

"So, now that you're here, All Might," Midnight seemed to recover quickly from the embarrassing mistake of talking over All Might, (a true hero skill you had yet to master) "Why don't you start the presentation?"

All Might gave a thumbs up then approached Bakugou. (You wondered if you should give him a 'watch out, he probably bites' warning.) "I know this probably isn't the outcome you wanted. But remember, you're incredibly skilled and it got you this far. I hope you see how much more you can learn, how much greater you can become."

Bakugou glared at you and you very pointedly did not make eye-contact, deciding instead to stare vacantly at the sky (not being able to stare at your feet like you would have preferred since you would catch sight of the traitorous banana socks). "Sure..." Bakugou managed, running his hand across the medal around his neck. "Something like that..."

All Might approached Todoroki next. "Young Todoroki. Congratulations!" Todoroki bowed his head to accept the medal. "I'm assuming there's a reason you didn't use your left side. Though it cost you the final."

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