〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟐 〛bananas and a new hobby

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Y/N needs a hobby! AKA Y/N is invited to UA.


You grumbled, adjusting slightly as you slept.

A hand twitched.

"EEEAAAHHHHH!" You shot up into a sitting position. "I WILL NOT PLAY ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS WITH YOU! YOU'VE GOTTA BOOGER ON YOUR FINGER!!!" You blinked a few times as you looked around. "Oh... What a weird dream..."

You sighed as you stretched. Pulling yourself out of bed, you awkwardly adjusted your blue striped pajamas. You ran your fingers through the rat's nest your hair had managed to turn into in the past few hours. Dammit... Again? Deciding your hair was a problem for later you to deal with, you snatched a hair tie and shoved your hair into a messy bun, a bun that was so messy that it barely counted as a hairstyle.

Ever since you'd started training, your hair was really acting up, somehow it kept getting longer no matter what you did. You'd kind of given up trying to cut it. You supposed that it could be worse. It could have fallen out or changed colors (though the latter was kind of cool),

You grabbed a banana out of the fridge, relishing the small moment of cool air in the otherwise warm room, the air conditioner still off despite the warm day. You ate your banana as you planned.

You'd finished your school work yesterday so there was none of that to worry about. And it wasn't like you had anything else to do. Maybe you could get some more training in?


More training.

You sighed as you leaned against the kitchen counter.

Did it even matter?

You'd been training for just over four years and you had noticed a difference in your strength. But that wasn't the only difference.

As the days passed, your emotions only grew more distant. Fear. Tension. Joy. Anger. You felt none of them anymore. And not for lack of trying. You just couldn't bring yourself to care. Yesterday was a prime example. Had you met that Goth-Barbie-Wind guy a few years ago you would have felt something (fear, excitement, anything) but... Now? You didn't.

Was there a point to keep training? You weren't sure. You didn't mind training. It took your mind off of things. But, it hadn't been difficult in ages. Maybe you should change it?


It didn't matter.

You reached into your fridge to grab another banana when you were interrupted by your doorbell. You glanced at the clock. It was still early in the morning. Who could it be at this hour? You closed the fridge, not realizing that you had the entire bunch of bananas in your hand. You opened the door and then rubbed your eyes sleepily.

"Whatever you're selling, I'm sure it's great but I don't want any." You mumbled more on reflex, before actually taking in the people at your door. There were three... You looked down... No, wait, make that four people(?).

One of them was a dark haired guy about your height in a tan trench coat and matching hat. Then there was a tired looking guy in baggy black clothing with a weird scarf around his neck and messy hair. The last person was a tall lanky sunflower of a man with messy blonde hair and bright blue eyes wearing the most garish yellow suit you'd ever seen. Oddly, despite looking like he could be thrown by a light breeze, he stood almost protectively in between you and the others. He reminded you of the Hero-Guy from yesterday who you nearly knocked out but you really weren't sure why. The last... person(?) wasn't human he was a... uh... Maybe a rat or a dog or a bear wearing a suit? You really weren't sure.

unstoppable force paradox (mha x opm!reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara