〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔〛victories and mistakes

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: will y/n ever get a break? Find out...

Honestly you really hadn't meant to take that many. You were just excited, excited that your dumb plan worked, excited to be part of a team. You just grabbed headbands without really thinking.


You noticed multiple eyes turn towards the both of you. "Uh oh..." You mumbled. That's a lot of people... you'd been planning on getting by with run and gun tactics... You couldn't do that here. Crap... Crap... How were you supposed to get you and Shinsou away from everyone?

"Y/N! Run!" Shinsou yelled, tapping you on the shoulder as he did. That was enough.

"Okay... I'm going to jump. Hold on tight!" You needed to be careful if you overdid it you'd end up hurting someone. With just enough strength to clear everyone, you jumped.

So stupid...

"Shinsou! I'm sorry! I got overly excited! Now everyone who isn't going for Midoriya is going for us!" Your heels skidded unevenly as you landed. "I'm so sorry. I-"

Shinsou cut you off. "Stop apologizing! You have a plan, remember! Just because the first attack went differently than expected doesn't mean it's all over! Focus!"

You shook your head as if trying to shake the thoughts out of your head. You turned over your shoulder and grinned at him. "Right! From here, I'm counting on you!"


'So, after that first attack, we should start slowly climbing the leaderboard. And that's where you come in.'

"Hey! Monoma, right?" Come on...

"Hmm?" Bingo.

'You said your quirk puts people into a trance first. And I assume that if you don't give them an order, then they'll stay like that right?'


The blond froze. Shinsou focused all his attention on keeping him under his control (much harder when he was flying through the air.)

'Because that sounds like a perfect distraction...'

"Monoma? You good?" One of his teammates shoved him to get his attention, snapping him out of Shinsou's brainwash. But it was already too late as a Y/N shaped blur was already within arms reach grabbing a handful of headbands.

"What the-" Monoma attempted to snatch them back but Y/N was too fast, deftly catching Shinsou and skidding to a smooth halt.

"Oh? Saitama, is it? With a super strength quirk right?" Monoma questioned. He had a copy quirk... Crap. "Don't mind if I do..." The blond reeled his arm back moving to punch and Shinsou felt his heart stop.

But Y/N didn't move. Instead she grinned at him. "Hate to break it to you but, I'm quirkless."

Monoma seemed to be about to snap back but he hesitated, gaze drifting behind Shinsou and Y/N...

"YOU!!" Shinsou didn't even need to turn around to know what was happening. The explosion kid?

Y/N seemed surprised too but she managed to swirl to face him but seemingly a moment too late, as a massive explosion went off right in front of her.

Shinsou tried to blink and clear his eyes from the bright flash but he still felt Y/N stumble. He braced himself to fall but he didn't hit the ground. Y/N had jumped and managed to land smoothly.

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