〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐〛past foes and past friends

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the aftermath of bakugou v. y/n. a.k.a: no one has a good time. feat. flashbacks

"Don't you dare ignore me, you useless piece of trash!" You stumbled, back hitting the wall.



You stumbled hitting the wall hard enough to make your head spin. You reached up and gently cupped your bleeding nose.

You glanced up. It was her again. Of course.

"Aw! Sorry Y/N! I didn't see you there!" She mocked, her voice sickly sweet.

A part of you wanted to snap back. You were taller than her after all (how could she have missed you in the otherwise empty hallway) and you doubted that she would punch someone she couldn't see in the nose. But last time you'd talked back you'd gotten yourself a broken arm for your troubles. Despite how satisfying it would be, you preferred having unbroken limbs.

Instead you stayed quiet. Which also didn't seem to work since a moment later you got kicked straight in the stomach. You gagged and coughed but managed to catch your breath.

"Whoops! Sorry!" She chuckled. "I'm so clumsy. Why are you on the ground Y/N?"

You grimaced. Honestly the fake apologies were worse than insults in your opinion. You leaned against the wall behind you. Another snarky remark nearly escaping but instead... "What did I do?" You finally asked.

"Huh?" The fake sympathy fell off her face.

"I want to know what I did." The question had been on the tip of your tongue for months but finally you managed to voice it. "... to make you hate me."

She stared at you for a moment then she giggled before fully laughing. "Seriously? You think I hate you?"

You pulled your knees up to your chest. "Then... why-?"

"Because I can." She cut you off and yanked you to your feet by your hair.

You yelped as she threw you down the hall, her strength quirk sending you skidding and tumbling. You didn't even manage to get one hand under you before a foot planted itself in the middle of your back, pressing you further into the ground.

"You want to know what you did?" She questioned digging her foot into your back. "That's simple. You didn't. You didn't do anything since you can't do anything. You're completely useless." You grimaced. You hated that word so much. "I can do all this and no one cares."

"My dad-" you started, trying to convince yourself more than her.

She rolled her eyes. "Pfft. He's the same as you right? No one who matters cares. Besides, all you're doing is pulling him away from whatever shitty work he does to deal with you and your useless problems."

That managed to stir a reaction out of you. No one insulted your dad. You tried to knock her off but instead she lifted her foot and brought it down hard on your back sending you into another coughing fit.

"God, you're pathetic. It's almost too sad to be funny." She chuckled. "Almost."

You somewhat heard the bell ring but didn't move. Out of the corners of your eye you saw other students milling around. Not one of them offered a hand. You didn't bother either and simply stayed on the floor.

You'd suspected that was her reason. In all honesty, you knew before she said it that you'd never done anything and were just the easiest target. Despite that, you'd honestly expected her to lie, to make up some perceived mistake, some fake problem to try and justify her actions. You'd expected an excuse. But hearing her just come out and say it... It hurt worse really. Because she and you and everyone around you knew that it didn't matter. There wasn't a point in making excuses since no one would ever call her on it.

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