〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔〛trust and business

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the sport's festival is over but someone has a few questions for Papa Saitama.


You collapsed on the couch. The sports festival hadn't been exhausting in the traditional sense but being around so many people had been stressful and you were happy to be home and even happier to have a four day weekend, especially with your dad here.

Your dad, of course, had gushed about your victory the whole way home. (You were already considering sending Alya and Tatsu, hell, your dad's whole office an apology card since you knew it was almost certainly going to be the only thing he'd be talking about for days. Maybe you could bundle it with the apology for introducing Tatsu and your dad to Mei considering the nearly manic expressions on both their faces when they talked about tech.)

You pushed yourself up just enough to speak. "Dad, how long are you going to be in Japan?"

He glanced over his shoulder as he also collapsed on the couch. "Flying out in a few days. I've got a meeting with your teachers tomorrow."

You froze. "Oh... oh..." You jumped up looking frantic causing your dad to jump too. "Did I overdo it? Dad, you have to tell them! I didn't mean to hurt anyone! I promise! I'll do better! I won't do it ever again I swear. Dad, you have to tell them! I-I-" You heaved a trembling breath. You were just getting used to having classmates (having friends) you'd never forgive yourself if you and your stupid power got in the way again. "I promise. I'm sorry. You have to- I-I-" You were pulled into a hug and your frantic words trailed off.

"Y/N!" Your dad was shouting and the surprise of that alone broke through your panic and that made you realize he'd been trying to get your attention the whole time. "Kiddo, breathe. It's okay. It's not about that." He rubbed your back comfortingly. "It's okay."

You managed to catch your breath and leaned into your dad's shoulder hugging him back.

"Look," Your dad continued. "I highly doubt that's what this meeting is about. And even if it is, I will give them hell if they try anything. You know that right?"

"Please don't sue the number one hero school." You mumbled with a smile.

"I make no promises." Your dad replied and despite his joking tone, you knew he was serious. He paused. "It's probably about your student file..."

Your eyebrows raised. "Uhhh... what's up with my student file?"

"The court case. I had it completely redacted from any of your records. Your grades and what schools you attended and when are all still there of course. But any outside information about the case or any records from the case, say, medical records for example, is all missing." Keita sighed. "It was done in such a way as to be unnoticeable to your average person but ultimately UA's staff aren't exactly average people. That principal probably spotted it from miles away..."

You stayed silent. You'd known that the records were sealed but you never knew the extent your dad had gone to in order to hide them. "Why hide them that much?"

"Because the world isn't always fair." He stated bluntly. Both you and your dad winced having both experienced that unfairness first hand. "It doesn't matter if you were cleared of all wrongdoing, some people will see that you had a case about illegal quirk use and write you off as a villain. I couldn't let that happen."

You remembered the months of litigation when your dad would spend whole nights staying up and reading through law books and doing research. He'd fought for you back then and you had no doubt that he'd do it again in a heartbeat. "Thanks again for that."

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