〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟔〛the bomb and the immovable object

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Battle training! Wooo! Featuring Y/N's past and Deku v. Kacchan.

Your least favorite thing about going back to actual school was the fact that you had to wake up earlier. You were currently drowning your irritation in your favorite drink and a banana for breakfast. Which was helping but still, it was truly a tragedy to be up this early.

You decided to not bother with walking to school this time since you'd slept in a bit (RIP your alarm clock since you'd flattened it when you'd tried to snooze it). So, covering your cup and holding your banana tightly so as not to let it fall, you leapt into the air towards UA.

You walked into the classroom having already eaten your banana and still holding your drink.

Aizawa stopped you. "No drinks in the classroom."

You glanced at your cup in thought. It was over halfway full and you refused to waste such a delicious drink. You considered downing the whole drink but had a better idea. You dug through your bag and offered Aizawa a banana.

He looked at the fruit, then at you. Then he sighed and took the bribe. "If you spill that, it's your responsibility."

You gave him a thumbs up.


It really was odd to take regular core classes at UA. Sure in retrospect it made sense but you were still bummed to be in regular boring class again.

You were pulled from your plans for what you should eat for dinner by a voice, the loud yellow haired guy from the exam. "SAITAMA! WHY DON'T YOU GIVE ANSWERING A TRY? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS SENTENCE?"

You glanced at the board. An English sentence across it.

"by the way your being ridicolous."

"Uhhh... The 'b' in the first word should be capitalized... That should be 'y-o-u-r-'e' not 'y-o—u-r' and I think there should be a comma after the word 'way' and I think ridiculous is misspelled but I'm not sure." You answered somewhat shakily.

The class was silent.

"Uh... that's all correct! But I only needed you to point out one mistake"

"Oh... Sorry."


You walked to lunch with Calamari.

The food looked delicious and the prices made them look even tastier.

"Geez Saitama! Your English is great!" Calamari stated. "Could you help me with the English homework?"

You shrugged. "Well I did learn English and Japanese at basically the same time since I lived in the US but my dad's from Japan. Also, yeah, I'll help as best I can."

"Woah! You're from the US! That's really cool! But why'd you move here?"


Emotionless bitch!

"My dad's job." You lied.

You noted that Calamari was going to be sitting with the angry Pomeranian and you were not going to deal with him right now so you bid Calamari goodbye for now and decided to sit with the other person you knew here, Midoriya.

Said green-haired boy was talking a mile a minute, gushing about Lunch Rush at a nigh uncanny speed.

"You sure like heroes, eh, Midoriya?" You asked conversationally, hoping your single, long-suffering social skill would get you through this.

unstoppable force paradox (mha x opm!reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora