〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕〛families and quirks

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a little backstory? But not for who you think!

content warning: quick mention of suicide

Your heart froze in your chest. You clasped your hands over your mouth.


"And now he's raising me to usurp All Might. It's so annoying. I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag. In every memory of my mother... I only see her crying. I remember she called my left side unbearable, before she poured boiling water on my face."

"Holy shit..."

"The reason I picked a fight with you was to show my old man what I was capable of doing. Without having to rely on his damned fire Quirk. You see, I'm going to show him that I reject his power, and I can take first place without using it."


You clung to your father's pant leg, hiding your small form almost completely behind him and your mother. There were so many people...

You'd been at this weird kind of party for your dad. And sure you were happy for him (even if you didn't know what a "CTO" was) since your dad was happy, but you hated crowds. And you were hungry. And you were wearing a dress that didn't have pockets.

(You actually didn't mind the dress much. It was like your and she'd smiled so wide when she'd told you that you both were matching. )

But, you didn't have food in your pockets like usual. So you were currently glaring holes into the snack table trying to work out if you could make it there without having to talk to people. (Maybe mom could come with you? She looked really tired...)

You tugged your dad's pant leg and he was quick to hold up a hand to whoever he was talking to so he could glance down to you with a smile. "Dad, can I go get a snack? Maybe mom can-"

You didn't even get to finish before you were interrupted by a stranger's voice, "Keita? Is that you?" Keita? Your dad? You immediately glanced up at your dad who seemed... off? And your mom had stepped closer to him almost in front of him. The speaker was an older lady in a really nice looking white dress walking towards you. She had the same eye and hair color as your dad and she was smiling but it didn't really look like a nice smile...

You heard your mom whisper something to your dad but it was too soft for you to hear. But you did catch a few bits of his response, "I'll handle her" and "-Y/N should have a chance to meet them..." Realizing that this interaction would require you to talk to the lady you hid further behind your parents, which was easier than ever since your mom was hovering right next to your dad almost protectively.

"Keita, I knew it was you." The lady gave your dad a weird look that made you not really like her. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah well..." Your dad cleared his throat. "It's uh..." He was smiling but it looked forced. "It's a party for me so... Of course I'm here."

The lady laughed and your dad's smile only got more strained looking. Then she stared at him, eyes narrowed. "You're serious..." Her tone was cold. "So then it's Keita Saitama... huh?"

"That's my last name." Your mom interjected and you were surprised. Your mom was always more calm and subdued but you felt the bite behind her tone. And her eyes were red. Normally, your mom's quirk made her eyes shift colors at random but if she was feeling very strong emotions, then they changed to reflect that. And you knew that red was an angry color. "Eva Saitama. I'm Keita's wife."

unstoppable force paradox (mha x opm!reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora