〚𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎〛fights and familiar faces

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: bakugou v. uraraka and more papa saitama!

"Yao-momo!" You yelled as you ran over to the dejected looking girl. "Are you okay?"

Momo grimaced and glanced away. "I'm fine," she mumbled.

You raised a brow. "No offense but you don't seem fine."

She sighed. "It's just... I didn't get to do anything. It was my first match and I didn't... Who's even going to want me to intern with them..."

You raised a brow. "Lots of people! You're awesome! Sure you lost but you did great in the other rounds. You just gotta get better at multitasking. Here, have some snacks." You ended your little pep talk by holding out a packet of fruit snacks.

Momo actually laughed lightly as she accepted the offer. "Thanks Saitama. I appreciate it!"


You couldn't help but feel bad for Kirishima. You remembered your classmates talking about how to "stand out" in the festival and poor Kirishima got paired up with someone who was super similar to him.

Though you had to admit that the fight was kinda funny. Like watching a newton's cradle.


Then... Bakugou vs. Uraraka.

You could practically feel the tension in the air. To be fully honest you had no idea where this was going to go.

Based on how much crap Pom had been giving you, he wasn't going to hold back.

Uraraka was obviously the underdog but you remembered that despite being easy to underestimate, she was a quick thinker.

Midoriya looked like he was moments away from dropping dead from sheer anxiety.

The first attack...


A deafening noise filled the arena.

"He blasted her!"

"Ugh, looks like Bakugo's not planning on showing her any mercy."

"Of course he's not going to hold back." You mumbled.

Smoke covered the arena and-


Yeesh... How did Pom still have vocal chords?

The smoke cleared and he was pinning just Uraraka's jacket to the ground.

"Whoa! She flew her jacket over as a decoy! What incredibly quick thinking!" Mic yelled over the speakers.

Not just quick thinking but a unique use of her quirk and using the smoke clouds that Pom's quirk always kicked up.

But still...

Not fast enough.


"Look at that reaction time!"

"Seriously, the dude's insane." Kaminari grumbled. "You can't get the drop on him. And since Uraraka can't use her Quirk unless she touches him, his lightning‐fast reflexes put her at a huge disadvantage!"

"He's got good reflexes and good battle skills but... I don't think he has a big plan. Probably just planned to throw explosions at his problems until they go away." You added.

Did he find it fun? How was he able to just overpower his opponents and not get horribly bored?

Midoriya and Iida both looked moments away from death.

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