Chapter 40

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"Then get it now. Bitch" My voice echoes in the hall and I regret everything I said immediately.

I want so badly to apologise.

I don't care if it was pretend, the look on her face says I've hurt her. And I made a promise to not only her but to myself that I wouldn't do that to her anymore. She's not the only one who is shocked though, I look over to Theo who looks disappointed in me.

She gets up silently and I turn around,  portraying anger on my face as much as I can but the only thing I feel is remorse and love.

"Come on slut. Hurry up" I say, gritting my teeth. She looks ashamed and annoyed. She's hurt, that is clear, it's written in bold on her face. My heart sinks to my feet as I see her frown, she looked more comfortable around him then she does with me right now.

As soon as we were in the clear, I hugged her.

"Sorry" I whisper softly.

"What?" She says.

I don't say it again, I just squeeze her tighter.

"Did you just say you're sorry?" She says half smiling, I don't say that to anyone. I almost never admit that I'm wrong. Simply because I am never wrong.

"Nope." I lie and she rolls her eyes.

"It's barely been a few days Draco" She says annoyed and serious. "You are going to ruin this whole cooperation for me. You're gonna get me killed."

"I'm not a murderer" I almost yell at her, trying to keep my voice as low as I can so it comes out as a whisper-scream.

"What?" She sighs, half afraid.

"I know Y/n. I know" I say trying to comfort her but it only seems to put her in a panic.

"You can't say anything. Promise me" She starts pacing and putting her hands through her hair. "Nothing. Not a word, to anyone. Especially not the police and don't you-"

I cut her off, "It's okay, I'm here."

"You.... don't..... Mind?" She asks all doe eyed. She looks so afraid all I want to do is shelter her in a hug forever. I want to keep her safe from any harm.

"Of course I mind! I don't want him to kill you" I say.

"Wait a minute-" I don't say anything more, she looks confused and so am I. "Before I say anything.... What exactly do you know.." She says skeptically.

"I know that he killed his father back in Paris and that he was a massive drug abuser." I say explain what I read from my private investigator.

"None of that is true." She says tears forming in her eyes.

"Y/n, I've seen the police reports, he was abusing many drugs, they did a drug test and his fingerprints were all over the knife. He went to a physiatrist and all sorts of rehabs and everything. It's all in the records."

"Yeah aside from that's not what actually went down that night." She says, visibly shaking.

I can tell me talking about this isn't helping her, it's only making things worse.

"He never took drugs." She says, I can see she's trying to figure out how to tell me something.

"Of course he did, they did a drugs test and he was completely knocked out from one of the drugs he abused." I say curiously.

Does she still love him or something?

How could she possibly defend a murderer, someone who put her through something that traumatic. And it isn't as if he has changed or anything, he isn't a better person. Is she suffering from Stockholm syndrome or something?

How can you love someone who has hurt you so bad?


That's when I realised.

I've hurt her. And she loves me.

At least I think she does.

I mean all the evidence is right there, it is clear. How do you defend a murderer!

But then again. She was there that night.

"Y/n...." I say warily, "Do you have something you need to tell me..."

She swallows a lump in her throat and she thinks long and hard about what she's going to say next.

"He didn't kill his father" She starts off slowly.

"Ridiculous, of course he did!" I interrupt her but I see it only makes her mad.

"NO..." She almost yells.

" I did."

SERENDIPITY; DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now