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I get up from the comfortable bed  slowly and walk down stairs. Slowly making my way to the dinning table. Everyone is already here, looks like I was the only one missing. How embarrassing everyone had to wait for me."come on sweetie take a seat." Mrs Wendy kindly says to me. Great the only seat left is the one in between josh and Trent. Across from me sits Mateo and of course Jace. To jace's right sits bella then to Mateo's left sits Dante and Mason near his mom then at the head of the table sits Fred.

Quietly enough I move my chair and sit down."Okay now that everyone is here let's dig in." Fred says with a big smile encouraging us. I grab my fork jamming it into the juicy delicious looking steak. One word delicious. This is by far the best steak I've ever had not that I'm comparing it to anything this is actually the first time I'm eating it, We never had the privilege of such expensive foods at the group home. Which reminds me I never called Miss Claire after the excruciating reunion. She must be worried I promise to call before I go to bed. Josh lightly taps my shoulder which snaps me out from thought. I look up and he points to his mom i turn to face her and see everyone is staring at me. She must have said something and I didn't catch anything. Shoot! "I didn't get that I'm sorry" I say feeling my cheeks heat up "Oh it's nothing sweetie I was just asking if you like your new room? If you don't like anything there don't be afraid to tell me I'll make sure I change it or or we could go to the mall and pick up something you like."

"No you don't have to change anything I love it thank you." I shake my head friously. "No problem sweetie just tell me if you need anything okay?" I nod my head and go back to eating. Mrs Wendy is so nice I like her. And I thought she would be the least excited person to see me. Considering I'm the reminder of her husband unfaithfulness. "So we're all just going to ignore and pretend everything is fine, Like we're all one big happy family?" I hear who I'm assuming is Mateo speak. Everyone stops eating and just goes quiet. I could literally hear the crickets outside. So much for enjoying my first dinner with my family. I internally roll my eyes. "What do you mean son?" Fred asks. "That right here." He says pointing in my direction. "why do we have to accept her and pretend like she's some lost family member that just got back from aboard or the army and is part of the family when we all know she's not and will never be." He says each word laced with so much venom. I shockingly swallow my surprise and the small piece of meat with some water. To clear my throat a little. My heart aches at the hurtful words. " Yeah, Dad I agree with Mateo for all we know she might not even be related to us. Maybe her slut of her mother put her up to this because we're rich. I mean I wouldn't blame her. just take a look at her
she looks like trash." Jace says with an evil glint in his eyes. Each word digging a deeper hole into my heart. If I thought Matteo had a way with his venomous words this guy ain't got nothing on him. "Did you even get a DNA test before you brought it here?" Mateo asks looking at his dad. I expect him to say anything to defend me or put his feet down and stop his sons. But he just looks at his son with a disbelief look on his face. "This is all your fault dad if you never cheated on mom none of this would be happening, You just couldn't keep it in your pants" Bella mumbles the last part quietly but I think everyone heard. "That's enough!" Fred bangs his first on the table loudly causing a flinch from me. probably not the only one too.

"I will not let you disrespect me like that. I know I made a mistake and I highly regret it. But that doesn't give you the reason to forget who your talking too, I will not tolerate it and it better be the last time." He voice booms, Each word is said with authority. His speech is greeted with silence. I don't think it will happen again. "Your mom knows I regret every damn second of that night. It was a moment of weakness and I'm not going to justify it or explain myself to you guys. It's between your mom and I. i can asure you it won't happen again. And it's not like I asked for another child." He spats. Wow what a great way to show me my place. "Honey" Mrs Wendy calls her husband giving him a small glare. He looks at me with a sympathic look on his face realising what he just said with a look of regret. I feel everyone's eyes on me and it takes everything in me not to let the tears I'm holding so hard not fall. I clear my throat before opening my mouth.

"Thank you so much for dinner it was great, but I still feel a bit jet lagged. so I'm going to turn in early." I say to no one exactly and get up rushing to my room. "Sweetie wait." I hear Mrs Wendy call for me but I don't have it in me to face her. Once I get to the room I leave a message to miss Claire telling her I'm okay and Promising to call her tomorrow putting my phone on the night stand. I get in the covers and finally letting my tears comfort me. I never asked for this too. All I've wanted was to be loved. Has anyone ever asked how I felt about this sudden change.

That's chapter five written and ready for you.
I hope ya'll like it.❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much for taking a little of your time to read.💖💖💖

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