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Maybe I should've thought this through before I actually did it. I've been walking for the past forty-five minutes and it's not getting any better. I keep getting weird looks from people. Who wouldn't look at a fifteen year old walking by herself at 11pm to make  matters worse it's almost 12 and I have nowhere to go nor do I even know where I'm going. Maybe I should go back home at least I was safe there and not being looked at like some meat product in the  grocery store waiting to be bought. After a few more minutes of walking I finally see street lights a bit further ahead indicating they must be some stores or diner's somewhere.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand at the sudden change of the atmosphere. You know that feeling you get when you know someone is  following you. Yeah that's what I'm feeling. I don't wanna panic and assume anything or blow things out of proportion. I don't turn and check to see if I'm right because we all know that's how they die in the movies. I pick up my pace moving really fast, after minutes of this I  see a diner that's probably a ten minute walk from where I am. Just when I take a deep breath relaxing, A muscular hands wraps around my shoulder  pulling me into a dark alley with the other  hand on my mouth. He roughly pushes me against the wall locking both arms at the side of my head. My heart is beating so fast I'm surprised it didn't just pop right out of my chest. "What's a pretty thing like you doing walking alone in these deserted street's?" Asked a creepy chilly voice. Causing goosebumps to raise and not the good kind. I try to see his face but it's too dark for me to make out anything and his black clothes aren't helping.  I try shaking away somehow but the death grip he has on me isn't budging. His got so much weight over me it's impossible. "If you try that one more time it's not going to end well for you okay?"I freeze shaking in fear. "I said. Do. You. Understand?" He asked, His voice dropping in a dangerous low warning tone. Nodding my head vigorously "Great now let's have some fun." He says in a sickening voice making me want to throw up.

"You see I've been following you ever since I saw you walking alone, Just waiting for the  perfect time to have you." His breathe fans my face. Making me close my eyes in disgust. " Look at you, so pretty." He pushes some hair away from my face. The hand on my mouth moves  and I take my chance "HEL-" getting cut off by a hard back hand to the cheek, I fall to the ground groaning in pain. "You little bitch. You trying to play smart with me huh?" He roughly grabs me by the hair . I Yelp in pain "please stop your hurting me." I beg crying. I start scratching the hand that's gripping hair really hard. "Now you done it." He tells me and smashes my head  to the ground. I groan in pain. He begins kicking me in the ribs with his hard boot a couple of times. The pain is imaginable. He grabs my hair again kneeling to my level bringing  my face close to his face."you think your a smart little bitch?" Giving me another hard slap to the face. He picks me off the ground shoving me against the wall with a hard push causing me to whimper. "Let's  try this again. And if you  try that shit again your dead." He says as I feel a sharp object porking my stomach. His hands touches the buttons on my jeans trying to unbutton them. And I just start crying knowing what's about to happen my body repulsing with disgust "no please don't." I Muffle against  the hand on my mouth. "Nice, I like them when they beg." He says in a sickening  voice licking the side of my face. I cry harder, when his done unbuttoning my jeans his hand touches the zipper trying to unzip me. And my nerves finally kick in, kneeing  him where the sun doesn't shine really hard. He grunts in pain dropping what I'm guessing was a knife taking a few steps back, I push him off one last time with all my mighty and run like my life depends on it cause it actually does.

I keep running  not bothering to check if he followed me or not. I see a small restaurant open and I beeline for it. Pushing the door and storming in. All eyes fall on me once I enter. I quickly drop my eyes to the floor not bothering to check my surroundings. I let my legs  direct me to the furthest table in the room and sit letting my adrenaline catch up to me. I drop my head on the table trying to calm my beating heart."uhmmmm excuse me." A voice says bringing me back to life. I wipe up my head so fast I think I just hurt my neck a little. Looking up a woman stands bedside staring at me with a horrified look. "Are you okay?" She asks this time but still staring at me and it clicks why she's looking at me that way. I haven't seen my face but from the looks she's giving me I'm going to assume it's that bad. "Are you okay? Where are your parents? Are you alone? Should I call the Cops?" She keeps firing so many questions but at the mention the cops my eyes widen and I get up pushing past her trying to leave . We don't want cops coming here, Now do we? "Hey!wait!" She yells louder drawing the attention of the people sitting close. I drop my head trying to get out of  this place and I end up hitting a very hard wall, falling on my butt. Wall? Wait a minute They're aren't supposed to be walls in the middle of the rooms. "Are you okay?" A new deep husky voice asks above me. My cheeks heat in embarrassment. I can't believe I fell down on my butt and everyone in here just witnessed it especially the person that's standing right above me.

I nod my head not saying anything. "You big brick, you just hit someone." Another new voice Scord's the other person. "Hey there." The feminine voice speaks to me. Someone trys to touch me but I flinch away from them moving back a little. "Woah easy there." The deep voice tells me. I feel someone crouch down till we're on the same level. "Look at me." He says but I shake my head. "Please doll." He begs sweetly. I slowly look up and I'm met with  the most beautiful stormy grey eyes I've ever seen. They soften when they met my green ones, But they suddenly hardened when they look around my face. And I look down again not wanting him to get more mad for staring at him for too long. "Come on let me help you up." He says nicely touching my arm and I don't flinch this time. I let him help me up when I  suddenly  clutch the  side of my stomach screaming out in pain. "Oh my God your bleeding!" Someone shouts. I begin to fall down but a pair of arms catch me before I hit the ground. " Someone call 911!" I hear him say before I black out.

Chapter eleven done and ready hope you enjoy it💕💕💕💕 don't forget to

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