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I quickly put on my black boots grabbing my purse heading downstairs. I'm meeting up with Cindy. I'm going alone today I didn't bring Becky with me  because apparently she had something to do. That over working person is obviously working he was up before I even woke up, Xavier is meeting up with some friends and I didn't want to bring mama or papa with me. It would be a bit weird. I fetch the car keys papa left for me on the kitchen counter it's Robert's job do it but the  man has been a no show for three days now. His visiting his daughter who flew in from Texas just to see him.

Twenty minutes later I park in front of Hearts cafe we agreed to meet at. The door bell rings when I walk in its really cute no wonder it's called heart cafe, Everything is decorated in hearts. The Chairs, Table, menus, colour of the painting and the little heart lights hanging from the ceiling and hearts cut out of papers  are stuck all over. Wow the owner must really love hearts huh. I choose the table near the window it has the perfect view of people on the busy streets. I hear the door ring and in walks Cindy she looks around till her eyes meet mine.
She walks towards me with a smile. " Heather it's nice to see you." Hugging me catching me a bit off guard. I just didn't expect it but I hug her back. "It's nice to see you too." Letting go and taking our seats. Shortly we're  interrupted by a young boy in his teens. " Hey there, My name is Ben welcome to Heart's cafe what can I get you?" He says with a smile. I look over the menu trying to pick something but everything looks great. " I'll have a cappuccino with a slice of strawberry heart cake and two blueberry scones."  blue berry scones and the strawberry look great. I hand the menu back to Ben. " I'll just have a cup of coffee and a big slice of the heart shaped cheese cake."  Cindy orders handing the menu back to Ben too. " Alright ladies your order will here in a minute." He winks and bows leaving the table.

" So how have you been?" She asked. " Okay I guess." I answer with a little shrug, it's followed by an awkward silence both not really knowing what to say. Thankfully it's interrupted by Ben again. "Here are your orders ladies." He places them in front of us. " Enjoy." Bowing again before leaving. I sip my cappuccino loving the way it plays with my taste buds I take a bite of my scones and I'm telling you it's heaven no wonder this place is filled with people in and out, Their food is really amazing it won't be the last time their seeing me here I can promise you that. " This is amazing." I try to break the silence. "Yeah it really is." She replies with a small smile. While at least it worked for bit. I enjoy my scones and cake breathing them all in a go. I can assure you I don't  look very lady like but who cares when the food is this good right? "I'm really sorry Heather." She blurts out. My cake stops mid air I look at her confused. She sees my expression and continues. " For what happened five years ago." She says slowly. " Cindy-" I start. " No heather just let me get it off my chest I've been keeping this for a really long time." I keep quiet letting her talk. "I'm sorry I let Trent control me I should have stood up for you and not let Beth bully you I was your first friend." She says with a chuckle. " I don't even know if I even qualify to be called one. that day in cafeteria was a bit too extra and I know i should have done something but I didn't. I really hope you can forgive me I'm really sorry. I waited for you the next day to apologize and maybe ask for second chance but I later found out that you had left that same night. I've blamed myself for the last five years I had all these 'what if's' that kept running through my head I didn't know what happened to you I felt really sick. But now that your here I feel like it's some sign please give me a second chance to rectify all my wrongs." She pleads with tears in her eyes. I blink a couple of times with shocked look. I don't really know what to say, it hurt when she left me she was the only friend I managed to make there, But I can see it hurt her too. "You really hurt me Cindy you we're the only friend I had." She looks down all the hope drained from her eyes. " But I know your really sorry so I'll give you a second chance." I tell her, she looks at me with a full blown smile. " Really?" She asked. " Yeah." She gets up attacking me in a big hug. " Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." She chants. " It's nothing." I pat her back." I promise I won't let you down." She tells me.  "I'm glad but can you let go of me now I can't breathe." She releases me at once. "Oh my God I'm sorry I got a little carried away." She says getting back to her seat with a giggle. " I can tell." I chuckle.

After the emotional stuff it was no longer awkward we've been laughing non stop. I haven't laughed this hard with someone in a long time. "Where have you been living all this time." She asked. "I'm in L.A now with the Blacks." I answer. "You mean from Black enterprises." Taken aback a little." I don't think I know any other Blacks." I tease. Her eyes widen her mouth forming on O shape. " Careful you might attract flies." I tease. "I'm so shocked you know the Ace Black."  " How did you even meet." She adds. "When I left that night I accidentally bumped into him when I was leaving some small restaurant down town. I had a panic attack and fainted, He took me to the hospital and the rest is history." I don't tell her what really happened that night I don't want to get into that right now. It's not the right time for that.
"That's great I'm happy nothing bad happened to you." She says with a smile. I smile back at her.

Someone walks up to our table I look up and my gaze meets Bella. Great just what I wanted. "Hey." She greets shyly looking at me. I look at my empty plate not bothering to say anything. " Oh, Hey Bella How are you?" I hear Cindy greet. "I'm okay, how are you?" She asked back."I'm fine, what are you doing here?" Cindy asks again. "I just stopped by for a cup of coffee and I saw you here. I just wanted to say hi." She replies. " Oh that's great why don't you join us." I face Cindy trying to talk to her with my eyes. I try to give her the-what-are-you-doing-look. But she looks at me like I'm crazy." No I don't want to intrude." She says softly glancing at me. "Don't be ridiculous"  She insists. " Okay." I see her pull over her chair sipping her coffee. I hear my Phone ring i get my purse trying to search for it in my bag till I find it. I look at the caller ID and there's no name nevertheless I pick it up. Boy do I wish I didn't.

Heyo guys as I promised you chapter twenty five is all ready for you I hope you enjoy it.
Don't forget to
And tell me what you think.💖💖💖💖

Byeeeeeee 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋......
If you find any mistakes I'm sorry guys.

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