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Heather's pov

No one says anything you can literally hear a pin drop. I didn't want it to go this way but they all wanted me to say it so I had no choice but rip off the band aid. Just get it over with. The only thing I can hear is everybody's rapid breathing. " Bubble I-" Josh is the first to speak up but his unable to finish his sentence. " I'm not going to sit here and pretend like we're all some happy family that just reunited. Your kids humiliated and tortured heather mentally, emotionally and physically for weeks both home and at school while the rest of you went on with your life's not bothering to see if she was okay, So excuse me if I'm not really a fan of her trying to reconnect with you." Ace says fuming. " Why didn't you you say anything?" Asked Fred. "She didn't have to say anything for you to notice she wasn't okay, Everything was right in front of you!" He yells making me flinch. I put my hand on top of his clenched fist trying to calm him down. He turns to face me his eyes filled with anger. Once he looks into my eyes his  softens a bit. "I think it's best  we leave." He says getting up pulling me with him. "You can't just decide when she should leave or not." A voice speaks up I turn and find it belongs to Mason. That shocks me a lot. "And who are you?" Ace asks looking uninterested. " I'm her brother that's who." He retorts back. " That's rich coming  from you." He laughs humourously. "Okay I think that's enough." I try so hard not laugh schooling my expression. "Baby let's go." I tell him trying to get his attention. "Baby?" Josh asks unimpressed. "Why the hell are you acting like she's yours anyway." Dante Fires, Ace growls. "Okay that's enough let's act like civilized people." Mama trys to reason. "Why don't we all go in the living room and talk." Suggests mom. Ace looks like his about to say something but I squeeze his arm shaking my head. We all quietly get up heading to the living room. So much for a peaceful dinner.

The air in the room is so thick you could use a knife to cut through. I sit between Ace and Becky.  followed by mama,papa and Xavier then across the room sits mom and my siblings, Fred is sitting in the arm chair. "Doll you need to talk, stop bottling your feelings in, You need to talk to let it go." I know his right I have to do this for myself. Taking a few deep breaths I  intertwine our fingers bringing them on my lap. "I had so much hate for the past fiffteen years I spent in the group home I grow up in. I mean what kind of mother and father leaves a child pretending they don't exist. Why even have them in the first place if you know your not going to take care of them right? But everything changed when miss Callie told me I had a family that wanted me. A step-mom,dad,sister and brothers. I asked myself why now? Where way they for the last fifteen years of my life? But the naive side of me convinced myself to give you a chance and I did, I had so much hope. I finally thought this was it But you." I look up facing Case,Mateo,Mason, Bella, Trent and Dante with so much hurt in my eyes. " You made it impossible I was only fifteen I loved you so much but all you did was let me know how worthless, useless and unwanted I was. I tried, God knows I tried but the only people that came through was Josh,mom and Fred. Why wasn't I enough for the rest of you? Huh all I wanted was to feel loved like you loved Bella but nooo you choose to make me feel like shit" I laugh coldly. "You broke me you made me feel like I was unworthy of love, like I was a mistake." I break down sobbing using Ace's shoulder to lean on. I've kept so much in I don't know  if I can ever forgive them.

Mateo's pov

I don't know what to say I let my childishness cloud my rational thinking. I wanted her to hurt like she hurt my family not knowing the only person I was hurting was her for no reason. I hurt her so much I don't know how I'm going to fix it now hearing what I did to her was the reason she got attacked makes me feel sick. Now all I can do is watch her break down.

Trent's pov

I did this to her we all did it. I let all my fucking selfishness take over. As much as I hated her it hurts knowing she left because of us. Seeing my mum break down blaming herself made it all hard to digest. I was jealous and hateful for stupid reasons, I punished her for something that wasn't her fault and I'm solemnly ashamed for everything. She almost died all because of me. I pushed her the most trying to make myself feel better about myself but it didn't. I can't even look at her right now as I hear her talk. I'm so ashamed I don't deserve her forgiveness at all.

Heather pov

Ace rubs small circles on my back trying to calm me down. "Bubble I'm sorry it's all my fault I should have been there for you." I turn to face Josh seeing tears in his eyes. He looks defeated. "Bear it's not your fault I know you tried." I reassure him. "No I didn't." He shakes his head. " I- " He abruptly gets up storming out of the room. I try to follow him but mom stops me." Baby I'm so sorry." She sobs. I hate that she blames herself too it's not her fault at all. " Oh, Mom please don't cry you didn't know" " No baby I should have asked I was your mom too." She cups my cheeks. "Please forgive me." I shake my head. "There's nothing to forgive you for. It was never your fault okay." I hug her. "Heather can we talk?" Case walks up to us. Mom turns looking at her son angry. "I'm disappointed in all of you. I remember telling you from the very beginning to treat her like she was one of you because she was. But you did nothing but hurt her. I'm ashamed to even call you my children I can't even look at you." They all hang their heads in shame. " I'm so sorry dinner was ruined all I wanted was to welcome my daughter back home." She looks at everyone giving us a sad smile" I think I need to rest." She looks devastated. " Mom please don't go." I plead. I don't want her to keep feeling guilty. She gives me one more kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. Looking  drained. This is why I didn't want to say something.

I'm sorry for taking long to update I hope you love it
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