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Ever since Josh took me out to ice cream the other day we've gotten really close. As well as Mrs wendy she's the kindest and most  generous woman I've ever met. Josh and Mason both go to college, So they're rarely home. With Josh in his final year and Mason in his second things  are a bit hectic for them. He now has more work and assignments but he makes time for me. We hang out three times a week, Then he comes back on Fridays and spends the weekend here. We go out for picnics in the backyard,going out to the movies and my favourite we just hang around at the ice cream shop chatting, laughing and getting to know each other. I don't remember the last I've felt this happy and after the weekends he  goes back to school on  Mondays  after dropping me off at school. Mason is never home and when he is, He  ignores my  existence. It's always a few greetings here and there but never more. Dante is another different  story. He works at his father's company as far as I now. He doesn't say much the only thing he does when his around  is stare at me like his trying to read me or something. Which is kind of un comfortable.

"Okay bubble I'll see you on Friday. I don't think I can make it tomorrow I need to finish an impending assignment that's due tomorrow." He identical green orbs sadden a bit." It's okay bear." He smiles at the endearment I started calling him a few weeks ago. His always giving me big bear hugs Everytime he comes back home so it just stuck. "Alright kiddo go on or your  going  to be late for class."  I kiss his cheek getting out of the car giving him a small wave. I watch as he drives off and I head inside towards my locker. " I heard she's the reason their mom almost left their dad." " I heard she's just some slut just like the mom" "I heard she's just some poor trash  that's just staying with them because of their money." "I heard she's not even really related to them."  I hear people whisper to each other in the hallway as i walk to my locker. That's  been going on for few weeks now but I choose to ignore them and say nothing. I reach my locker and see Dirty thrash!!! Written in black paint I hope it's not permanent. I sigh ignoring it opening the locker and a lot of papers fall out.

And it's not like the boys have been helping. I've actually been avoiding them like a plague. Since the incident I'd leave the room when they walk in or move a different direction when I see them heading my way. I know everyone at home has noticed especially Mrs wendy.  I can see it in her eyes every time I avoid them. I even started waking up earlier than any of them can come down for breakfast. Miss Lucy and I would make some  breakfast then I'd pack mine and walk to school, Then stay back studying in the library and reach a little late spending my time in the bedroom, skipping super. But it was always brought up to my room by Mrs Wendy or Fred. You know the girl that warned me not to mess  with the boys? Yeah well her name is Beth and she made it her mission to make my life a living hell, it's always the false rumors she spreads about me or the name calling and shoulder bumping and acting like it's wasn't on purpose or my all time favourite, Papers of insults lodged in my locker. Which brings us here, Sighing I pick up everything down with the rest that was still stuck inside and dump them in the bin next to the lockers. When the  bell rings I close my locker and head for class.

It's lunch time and I'm sitting alone at the only table by the corner that no one ever uses. I later found out the next day that Cindy was Trent's girlfriend or something like that. She stopped talking to me the next day. She was the only friend I had here, I finish my sandwich cleaning up the table and head to the library. But the door out of the cafeteria is close to the table that my brothers, sister and friends hang out and of course Beth. I nearly make my way out when suddenly someone's leg trips me and I go flying down to the ground scrapping my knees in the process again. The whole entire cafeteria goes deaf  quiet and the only thing that can be heard is my breathing. "would you look at that. The thrash is finally we're it belongs." I hear beth say very loudly for everyone to here, they all  break down into a fit of laughs and giggles. "Well, let me help you." She says in a sweet evil tone and dumps her lunch on top of my head some falling at my hands on the ground. I close my eyes when I hear people everywhere gasp at what she just did.  "Oops, My bad the tray must have slipped." She adds. The lump in my throat tighten as some tears involuntary fall down my face. I slowly get up brushing some dirt on my scrapped knees and palms.
I turn to look at everyone at table and see Beth's evil smirk, Mateo and Trent's smiling faces. While Case, Bella and Cindy look down avoiding my eyes. I know everyone can see the tears that keep falling and I let them, people pointing and laughing are the only thing I hear when I walk out.

When I got back from school I went upstairs and locked myself in the bedroom. I ignored the knock someone made calling me out for dinner, Mrs Wendy who kept on knocking  trying to get me to open the door. I could hear the worry in her tone but I didn't budge. Fred came too and but I didn't move a single muscle. When the clock hits 11:00 pm  I walked into my closet and started packing my clothes. Grabbing what's only important I open the door quietly and tiptoe downstairs. Once everything is quiet indicating  everyone is asleep, I go into the kitchen grab a paper, pen. leaning down on the counter using the light from my phone and write.

Dear Mummy,
You know I've been waiting for the perfect time to call you that. But with everything that's being going on  it didn't and won't happen any time soon. I'm afraid by the time you'll be reading this I'll be long gone, I tried to give everyone the benefit of the doubt after the first dinner and only you,Fred and Josh came through.
I want you to know I'm leaving because  I can't do this anymore, school is horrible everyone hates and humiliates me and no one lifts a finger to help. Not even my so called brothers or sister.They hate me and say horrible things about me. They just sit watching me suffer, which I don't understand why because it's not my fault. So why do they keep punishing me for my mom and Fred sins I just don't get it.
I'm not going to go into details and tell you what happened today. All I want you to know is that I love you and Josh so much, and Fred too I know he was trying and it's wasn't easy. Thank you so much for making me feel like I belonged. I've always dreamt of having a family that would love me unconditionally and I found it in you and Josh. I'm so sorry I had to leave and say goodbye like this. I want you to know that's it not your fault so please take care of yourself and Josh for me, and tell him I'm really sorry I never got to say goodbye.
I love you so much from your daughter Heather Reigns.

I fold the paper and leave it  there. I look at the kitchen giving it one last smile and leave using the back door running down the drive way. Leaving everything and everyone behind me.

I hope you love this one I know I did. Remember to mind any mistakes if  you find them.

Don't forget to

Tillllll next time byee👋👋👋💖💖💖💖💖

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