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Heather's pov

"Good news, Acey will be here in a couple of hours and we can finally be together. " Alexis gushes out happily in a dreamy state. "I have to go ready And look pretty for him. So I'll see you in a bit Byyyyye." She winks blowing us a kiss before leaving the room. I look at Xavier with a worried expression on my face and I see his face mirrors mine. "Heather call it a gut feeling but something Very bad is about to happen."He says. I try to gulp down the fear his words just brought. I can sense it too and that what's terrifies me the most. "I know. I can feel it too." I say softly with a sigh. "If this it. I promise to try and get you out of here alive." I say to him. "Baby sis, I appreciate it but I'm the older one here, I'm the one that's going to make sure you make it out of here alive." He argues back. I honestly don't have enough energy to go back and forth with him right now. This has been really exhausting for my mind, body and soul. I shut my eyes to catch a bit of sleep though knowing it's practically impossible. My sore muscles ache as I try get a little comfortable. But we all know no one can ever get comfortable sitting on the floor for two days straight. I groan as I lean some of my weight on Xavier. And sadly my poor muscles keep crying out for help. "I've never thought there'd be a day were I'd appreciate just the thought of feeling the comfort of a bed." He says releasing a wishful sign. "You and me both." I chuckle. "I wonder how Bella is coping with everything that's happening." I hear him whisper so softly. Barely audible. Is it just me or did he actually say bella? As in my sister bella. I press my lips in a thin line before raising an eyebrow at him in question. "Did I hear you right. When you mentioned my sister's name?" He snaps out of it quickly looking at me in panic. "What! N-no slip of the tongue I meant Becky." He scratches the back of his neck nervously. I narrow my eyes at him for a minute before turning away. I hear  him breathe out in relief. This is not the end of this discussion.

Ace's pov

"Baby please be safe and bring back my babies." My mom kisses my cheek. I wipe away the tears running down her face. "Ma, don't worry I'll bring them back." I assure her. We argued back and forth about meeting the caller all on my own. The call I received was really unexpected I never thought I'd ever hear her voice again after all these years. The nerve of that woman I tell you. "We can't just let you leave alone." Dante says walking up at me. "I have no choice. They requested it be me alone." I reply back. "You still haven't told us who called you? And why they chose you?." Josh says. His eyes giving me a once over glance. "I don't know who it is myself. The person just told me to meet them at a certain place and they'll hand d over Heather and Xavier." I tore my gaze away from him. Clenching my fist in anger hating the way his been nagging me for answers. "Look I gotta go I know mason will be tracking me. Just stay close Incase something happens." I bid my goodbyes to everyone. Heading out feeling heated gazes burning holes at the back of my head as I rush out of the house getting to my car. Baby I'm coming to get you.

Matteo's pov

"I don't know about you guys but something is not right. Ace is hiding something from us." I tell my brothers. "Yeah, I know I could sense it too." Josh replies. "So what do you suppose we do?" I ask Dante. "As much as I hate to admit it. We need to wait for the go, we can't risk the chances of getting-. He gets cut off by the hot headed Trent. "This is total bullshit!" Trent Bursts out. "Trent for once in your life shut the hell up and listen." Case scolds him. Leave it to Trent to blow up a fuse for no reason. "Why don't we just follow him but keep a good distance. We can't just keep on waiting." Mason speaks. From the corner of eye I see Trent smirking at mason's suggestion. I swear sometimes I think he was adopted. "His right we can't risk losing Heather for good this time." Josh agrees. "Fuck." Dante curse's out rubbing his forehead in distress. "Fine let's go but we have to sneak out quickly we don't want to alert the rest of the family." He sighs out.

Heather's pov

"Hey princess, wake up." I feel someone gently shaking me wake. I open my eyes blinking back vision I see a smirking mike staring back down at me. I look around my surroundings in confusion. What the hell happened? I find myself in some strange room that looks a bit similar to the previous one we we're locked up in. But this one is a little clean and doesn't smell like someone continuously took a piss in the room nor does it have water leaking from pipes. I sit up and see I'm on a mattress with a small blanket draped over my legs. I look around and find it empty. Where the hell is Xavier? "I know you must be confused why I brought you in here." He says. "But I can explain." He adds. I give him a skeptical look watching him closing. "You see Alexis is preparing for your little boy toy to come over and I know for a fact we won't have any time to have some fun. I've waited way too long for you and I'm going to have use this time wisely, And no one is going to stop us." He rasps out giving me a evil smile. I flinch scurrying back against the wall as my breath quickens in fear. "Awww no don't be scared. We're going to have so much fun." He mocks. "W-what have you done to Xavier?" I stutter out. "Let's just say he won't be bothering us for now. He says the corner of his mouth curving in a big grin. I try to move further away from him as much as possible but the wall behind blocks any more movements. "Not this time I'm tired of waiting." He says darkly pulling my left ankle. I shriek out falling on my back. I shriek back in horror my heart beating viscously. I struggle to to sit up because I'm caged by the hold on my leg. I use my right leg to kick his chin and that somehow loosens the hold on my leg. He grunts out in pain. I don't waste any time quickly getting off the mattress rushing to the door. My fingers lightly brush the handle when a hand grips my hair in a painful hold I scream out in pain. "I tried to do this the easy way but you just had to be a bitch. didn't you?" He spits out angrily. He tugs my hair harder making me whimper. "You want it rough huh? Fine let's do it your way." He breathes into my ear. It sends shivers down my spine. He shoves me roughly down the ground. I land on my knees.  That's going to leave a mark I wince turning around to face him. He gives me a predators smile before slowly walking towards me. Enjoying the pure satisfaction of terror that's showing on my face. I'm yanked upwards by my arm in a tight grip laying flat on the floor. "GET OFF ME!" I try to push him off. Breathing in deeply. A hand connects with my right cheek . I yelp unexpectedly from the sudden collision. I try to move but his weight and hold is too much for me. He puts both of my hands over my head using one hand. Any more movement from me just makes his grip tighter. His other hand starts to move my hoodie up exposing my bare skin to him. I Thrush under him trying to get out but his legs block my down movement too. No no no no no. My mind goes over drive and I start panicking this is five years ago all over again. "Please! Please stop!" I cry out tears cascading down my cheeks. My body trembling with raw misery. "You look as beautiful as you did five years ago. And  that beautiful night we met again. But now your a full woman. Boy I'm I going to enjoy myself." He says his voice strained with desire. "No please." I chock out. Oh God why me?

Well this chapter was quiet longer than I anticipated.😬😬 But thank God it's done.
I hope you enjoy it.
Don't forget to

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