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One month later.

I can't believe it's been a month already time sure does fly's by. I walk back to the room and find Ace still sleeping. His on his back the covers laying dangerously low on his hips leaving his mouth watering abs on display Jesus those are some abs alright. His tattooed arm is slung over his eyes flexing in the process. How does he make sleeping look so sexy. stop it heather let's not go there, we did not come here for that. I craw back on the bed sitting on my knees staring at the tattoos on his chest , On the right side of his ribs and the ones near his stomach. "See something you like?" His morning voice rasps. God that voice. Nope not going there." Shut up." I retort back. "Since your awake I'm going to go back downstairs." I add. " What a beautiful way to wake up someone." He whines. "Come on get up." I tell him getting up from the bed. "I'll only get up, if you do something for me." He says  Looking at me with a mischievous smile playing on his kissable lips. I know I'm going to regret asking this but my mouth just can't shut up when it comes to Ace." What's that?" I asked. "I want you to kiss my cheek" He replied." That's it?" I question. That's it" he replies immediately. Well that seems easy right? I  kneel on the bed and lean over to peck his cheek, Till a hand encircles around waist and pulling me on top of him making an ohmmp sound. I look down and see our faces so close our breath are almost kissing. Our eyes meet and it's like the whole world just disappeared and it's just him and I. Things just got steamy real fast. He tucks some loose strand of hair behind my ear his warm hand cupping my cheek. I lean into his touch drawing closer to his face. I wish we could stay like this forever. My heart is beating at a very fast rate. His thumb rubs smooths circles on my very flustered cheek making me release a breathe, As soon as I do that his eyes fall to my lips I reluctantly lick my lips and he mimicks my actions. Our lips almost touch." Hey guys wha-.  Someone Interrupts us. "Jeez get a room."She shoots. "We are in a room." We answer back in unison. "Just get back downstairs and stop making babies." She says back. "I can't believe i just got cock-blocked by my own sister." He groans. "That you did buddy, that you did." I pat his chest getting up." We can still continue." He pleads " Nope not  happening sweet cakes." I say with a giggle.

"Look at her flustered face. I told you they were making babies." Becky says as soon as we enter the dinning room. Making everyone in the room groan. "Not that it's any of your business." Ace snaps back with no care. "Plus it's their bedroom not yours." Xavier adds. " And learn to knock." Mama also adds. Giving her a glare. "Jeez fine." She says with an eyeroll. " Morning guys." Ace greets everyone " Morning paps."  " Morning baby." Mama says kissing him on the cheek. " Morning bro." Xavier greets back. "What took you so long when you went up there baby." Mama's question is  directed at me. " Mmmmh." I hum failing to answer the question. "Ma it all my fault I didn't want to get up, She was trying to wake me up." He speaks up first, saving me. I sigh in relief. Feeling his hand on my thigh I Put mine on top of his giving it a light squeeze.
After breakfast we all stay home and spend sometime together. We always do this every weekends. on Saturdays we lay around lazily having some family time without any interruption from the outside world while Sundays is all about family lunch's and all. It's kind of a tradition and I love it. It's not  everytime you willingly get to spend time with your family or just get along. So when it happens it's very heart warming and lovely.

" So when are we leaving?" I hear Becky ask and no one answers. I look up and see everyone glaring at her. Her eyes widen when they meet mine. " You didn't tell her did you?" She ask guilty, The question is redirected at Ace. I'm I missing something?. " I was going do it to tonight." He replies back with a clenched jaw. " Tell me what?" I ask looking at Ace. When his eyes meet mine  they soften. He faces me on the couch  intertwining our fingers. "Baby we need to talk." He says worriedly. "What's wrong your starting to scare me now." I say with a nervous laugh. "We're flying to LA next week." He slowly says. " For?" I ask confused. "We need to attend a gala dinner that I got nominated  for becoming best businessman of the year." He said. " That's great but why do you still look like that?" I furrow my eyebrows at him.  "It means most of the important  businessmen in the business  industry will be in attendance too And that's means  most of the famous businessmen in LA got nominated too." He tells me. "I'm still not following." I say honestly. " Doll your brother Dante is amongst them." And that's When I realise what his trying to say. "Okay so when do you leave?" He clears his throat like his about to drop something else again. " Doll  I'm not going alone you all have to be there with me." And the other shoe just dropped. Did he just say what I think he said. "I can't go on my own you know Our Family business is at the top of its game and well known so it's mandatory that we all attend and show appearance. We do it every year expect this time I'm the one that got nominated." He adds. And I just sit there trying to assess what he just said all together. I watch mama get up from the couch  and  sits beside me turning to face me."Baby I know it's hard for you to go back there and will totally understand if you  can't go we're not going to force this on you." She tells me. " Is this what you were whispering about a month ago in this very place" Her eyes widen  not expecting that I heard them that day. she nods slowly. I sigh. I'm I ready I mean it's been five years I can't keep on delaying the inevitable at some point I was bound to face everything I left behind. "I'm so sorry I just had to open my big mouth H." Becky says In a distressed tone. " It's fine becs I was going to know anyway." I give  her a smile that I know doesn't reach my  eyes." we all know you can't shut up " Xavier said. A pillow is thrown at him. I almost laugh. "Baby girl it's all up to you." Papa says from the Arm- chair in the corner of the room. I look up at Ace and his eyes are filled with concern. Can I really do this? I'm I really ready to face them.

Hope you guys enjoy it
Don't forget to

Byeeeeeee 👋👋👋👋👋 Till next time💕💕💕

Sorry for any mistakes..if you find any

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