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"Sweetie come on you have to get up."  I feel someone shake me lightly trying to wake me up. Opening my eyes I see Mrs Wendy standing beside the bed. " I fell asleep?" I asked. "Yes, you did and I didn't have it in to wake you up. You looked so relaxed. So I just left you." I rub the sleep from my eyes. "The kids don't get off till 3:30. So why don't we go out for lunch and do a little mother and daughter shopping." She said excitedly "Okay let me grab my shoes." Getting up from the bed. I head down and find her ready. We get in the car and drive to the mall, This is my first time actually leaving the house so I'm a little excited. Twenty-five minutes later she parks the car and we head out.

"So what do you want to do first?" She asks me. "Huh, we can go shopping first" I tell her. "Okay" she intertwines our fingers like we're  just  any other normal mother and daughter. We walk into the first shop I don't exactly know what we're looking for. So I'm Just  following her around like a lost puppy, Not that I'm complaining I suck at picking clothes I just wear what feels  comfortable. We walk around  going into different types of shops  we grab some t-shirts,jeans,shorts and dresses that looked really pretty. After trying on a few things we  pick what she and I.  Liked the most. She  heads upfront and  pays for them. Let's just say I didn't want to look at the price tags I  probably would have had a minor  heart attack and not the pretty one.

After shopping we stop by a small cute  little diner to have lunch. I order pasta and meatballs with a chocolate shake. she ordered what I  got but with a vanilla milk shake." Did you have fun today?"she's asks looking at me waiting for an answer. "I really did, No one has ever taken me shopping. It was all new."staring  at my milkshake sadly. "Oh honey, you have me now. Okay?" Giving my hand a light squeeze. I nod and smile up at her." I'm glad you liked it. I never get to do this with Bella anymore." " Why" I ask curiously." She has her friends now. she doesn't really need me anymore." Her eyes look at me a little sad. But covers it up with a weak smile." Well, we can always do it together. I think I'll need you for a really long time." I tell her." I would love that sweetie." She says happily " These meatballs are so delicious." I say to her. Stuffing my face with more of the heaven made meatballs. After we're done she pays and we head home.

"I think those meatballs went right down to my  legs, I can't walk straight" She teases as we grab all the bags from the car. I Laugh lightly "Mom?" We hear someone call. Turning around to see who it is. it's  Trent and Case. That completely wipes the smile off my face, Not that I hate them or anything. I just feel like it's better to avoid any interactions with them so that they don't give me the fierce glares they're graciously giving me right now. "Mom where did you go?" asks Trent while  still glaring at me. " Heather and I just went a little shopping" she responds back." Doesn't look little to me" Case says. Looking down at the bags we're holding. "Oh, come on you know this is nothing compared to what your sister buys, Since your here anyway, why don't you help us with the bags." She asks them.

I put everything in the closet after the boys helped out. And by helped I mean throwing the bags on the floor and storming out. Josh comes in to tell me dinner is ready so I follow him down stairs. Everybody is here again, let's just hope it won't go as bad as it did yesterday . I hear a throat clearing and it's from Fred. "Heather I wanted to apologize for how yesterday went. It was your first day and it shouldn't  have gone like that and  neither should I've said what I said. I'm really sorry." He apologizes sincerely. With a hopeful look. Okay I didn't see that one coming. Oh his waiting for me to say something." It's fine you don't have to apologize. I'm sure you didn't mean it."I brush it off making him  smile at the acceptance of his apology and giving him a faint smile.

"Guys we also wanted to let you know that, Heather will be starting school tomorrow so I want you all to look out for your sister." Fred tells them. Just when I was staring to like  this guy. He just had to open his mouth again and ruined it." Last time I checked I only had one sister." Mateo sneers.  It just had to be Mateo who speaks up first. what's this guys deal? I get that he hates me but like geez can't you hate me silently like your elder brothers. "Mateo?" his mom warns. Which he returns with an eye roll. " But Dad aren't they any other schools, it's not like ours is the only one she can go to." Bella whines. yep I'm definitely feeling the love.  
"Why would I take her to another school? when I can simply enroll her  to the one her siblings are attending." Fred retorts back nonchantly . "And last time i checked, it's not your school so you don't get to decide who should go and  shouldn't." I hear Josh speaks up besides me. Earning a glare from his younger siblings. "Whatever, I just lost my appetite anyways." Mateo storms out.
Josh nudges my shoulder and I look at him "Don't worry about him. He'll come around sooner or later." Trying to convince me. Ha yeah right.

I'm done with seven I hope you love it.💖💖💖💖
And tell me what you think.

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