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I couldn't sleep last night just the thought of knowing I might see my brother or the rest of them didn't sit well with me. So here I am at 5:00 in the morning trying to make cupcakes and chocolate cake to ease my anxiety. "Baby are you okay?" A voice startles me from behind. I didn't even hear anyone walk in.  I turn to where the voice came from and I see mama staring back at me. She walks close to me standing near the counter, " Talk to me baby." She says,"How did you know I was down here?" I asked avoiding the topic. She furrows her eyebrows at me stepping closer standing right bedside me."Baby." Her voice full of concern." I'm scared mama I don't know what to expect." I blurt out. She pulls us towards to the kitchen table we sit on the chairs facing each other. "I know you are baby I would be too, If I left the family that didn't want me and five years later I find out I'm going to have to face them." She says placing our fingers on her lap rubbing smooth circles on the back of mine. "But you know what? You won't have to do it all alone will all be right there behind you." I look into the  brown motherly eyes that always manage to make me feel so much better." Thank you so much mama I feel better." I tell her bringing our intertwined hands to my mouth dropping small kisses on hers. " You don't have to thank me baby it's my job to make sure all my babies are okay." She smiles at me. " Now why don't we finish the mess I found you making." She says eyeing  the spilled flour,milk,eggs and chocolate mess on the  counter making me laugh.

Two hours later we've managed to make everything including breakfast. We hear a groan coming from the doorway, Revealing a still sleepy becky rubbing her eyes. Xavier,Ace and papa following in behind. " I need coffee." Becky mumbles bee-Lining straight for the coffee pot sparing us a glance. She can only act less of a zombie when she has some caffeine in her system. "Morning ladies." The men greet us each giving mama and I  a kiss on the cheek. Leaving Ace standing besides me "Why weren't you in bed when I woke up?" He asked. "I couldn't fall asleep so I came down here to make some cupcakes and chocolate cake, Mama ended up helping me." I answer." You okay?" He whispers. " I'm fine Baby, You don't have to worry." I reply honestly getting on my toes planting a big kiss on his cheek. "Hello lovely family." We hear Becky say walking towards the table taking a seat. "All done fueling up." Xavier teases her." Shut up butt head." She retorts back. These two. After breakfast we were sent back to our rooms by Robert. He says we weren't supposed to make breakfast that's his job, So he told us to leave the dishes to him. I wasn't going to leave everything to him but he convinced us otherwise. The day went by uneventful I toured around the place. This was my first time being here I had to see the rest of the beauty. Ace had an important video call meeting so the man has been coupled up in his office. Mama and papa decided to go out and spend some time together while Xavier and Becky went out shopping they invited me but I kindly refused the offer. So here I am four hours later in the bathroom getting ready for the night. I made sure to scrub,wax and relax myself. I now feel so refreshed. Getting out of the bathroom I find a beautiful  black floor length dress laying gracefully on the bed. I look around seeing no one, Who put it here? I shrug it off and finish getting ready.

Looking back at my reflection in the mirror not believing  what I'm seeing. The dress falls at my shoulder with a small V line showing a bit of cleavage but not too much, it's a mermaid dress with a slit reaching my middle right thigh not showing too much skin too. It hugs my curves smoothly showing off my body. And the is open showing off my skin. I decided to curl my hair in luscious waves letting it all fall at one shoulder matching it with some minimum makeup and  a little red lipstick. You can never go wrong with red lipstick.  I  put on my  diamond earrings with the matching necklace Ace got for me on my seventeenth birthday. I grab my clutch and walk down the staircase slowly praying this heels don't break my neck. Ace is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs his back turned to me looking amazingly sexy in the black Amarni suit that was made for him, outlining his muscles. "I'm ready." He turns at my  sound of my voice checking me out from head to toe whilst I do the same, His hair is gelled back neatly. He trimmed his scruff making it look even more hotter. His black stiletto walks up to me standing right in front of me I Inhale his spicy scent. Wow "You look breath taking." He growls out. "I could say the same about you." I look at him matching the intense look his giving me. He wraps his arm around my waist bringing our bodies together. "I could do this all day." His deep voice speaks in a low sexy dangerous tone. Making my breath hitch a little. " let's go everyone is already waiting for us at the ball before I change my mind." He pulls us towards the door.

My heart rate was beating so fast as we took each step bringing us closer to the ballroom."I got you." He whispered in my ear. I take in a small breath nodding at him. He wraps his arm around my waist while walk into the room catching everyone's  attetion as we walk further into the room. I hear them whisper to each other but I'm not going to let them get to me. The Ballroom is very beautiful and quiet eye catching it's obviously full of rich people. He leads me towards our family once they see us they break into smiles. "Oh, my H you look beautiful." Becky says hugging me. " You look beautiful too." she's wearing a dress a bit similar to mine but her's blue with thin straps, It really compliments her skin. All three man  look really good in there black tux's, Mama has on a red long sleeved gown.
After two hours talking and walking around we're now all sitting at our assigned tables, Each table has a name placed in the middle. ours is a  bit closer to the stage surrounded by other tables so it's kinda hard to see everyone plus my back is facing the entrance. So far I haven't seen any sign of my family members that must be a good sign right? That's what I'm trying to tell myself anyway. Soon a man walks up the stage grabbing everybody's attention. " Thank you so much for coming I think we've had an amazing time meeting new people and getting to know each other. We have this gala every year to help open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, collaboration's and new relationships. It's important that we all try to get familiar in our line of work. you might never know who will be at your aid when you need it. So I'd love to thank you all for coming and I hope you enjoying yourselves. Now we've come to the end of the show it's time to announce what we've all been waiting for. The winner of the best uprising business man award of the year goes to." He pauses reading his card. " Ace Black! From the Black enterprise's." He announces everybody breaking into a cheerful applause. "Mr black why don't you come up here and say a few words." The man calls for him. I look at him smiling ear to ear. I'm so proud of him I know his worked so hard to earn it. Trying so hard to be differentiated from his father. not that he had to hear it from people to know but the boost doesn't hurt. He stands up kissing my cheek before walking to the stage, He shakes the man's hand before being given the mic. He smiles at everyone his dimples out on display. " I didn't think I was going to win but I'd like to thank everyone that voted for me. And I'd would like to thank my family for standing by me I'm grateful that I was blessed with people like them, But mostly I would love to thank a special woman whose been by my side all of the way. She's my number one fan and I wouldn't be up here without her so I like would for everyone to meet this special someone. Doll come up here." He calls, Is he crazy. Mama nudges my shoulder pulling my attention I look around the table and see smiles encouraging me to go up. I slowly get up walking to the stage my legs shaking at each step I make. I finally reach him the light falling on us. " Everyone I'd like you to meet my special someone miss Heather Dean." He announces the deafening  applause making my heart beat really fast. I'm surprised I'm still standing. I smile up at him. Even with my heels he still manages to tower over me. He kisses my forehead leading us back to our table.

" I can't believe you did that." I huff  "What? I had to let everyone know I didn't do it all alone." He says with a smirk plastered on his face. When we reach our table everyone gets up congratulating him. "I'm so proud of you son." Papa says " Thanks Dad." " My baby is now a big boy now." Mama says adorning him with kisses all over his Face. "Congrats bro" both siblings hug him. This is so beautiful I can't stop smiling. "Heather." A voice calls behind me, My back stiffening  at the familiar voice. Oh no...

Phewwww I'm done with chapter seventeen it's a bit long today so I hope you like it.
Sorry for any mistakes
Don't forget to

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